The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

G. Edward Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 218 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

G. Edward Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 218 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section II. A Crash Course on Money, Chapters 9-10 The Secret Science; The Mandrake Mechanism.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is laudable about the author's work?
(a) The author had majored in international economics.
(b) The author provided a clear and concise conservative viewpoint.
(c) The author provided a clear and concise liberal viewpoint.
(d) The author did provide a convincing argument that our economic system had been broken at some time in the past.

2. How did the banks make their money?
(a) The banks made money on both interest ad principle payments.
(b) The banks made money on principle, not on interest payments.
(c) The banks made money on their cash flow.
(d) The banks made money on interest, not principle, payments.

3. What resulted after the first electronic run on banks in 1983?
(a) The first electronic run on banks happened in 1983, leading to a hoarding of cash.
(b) The first electronic run on banks happened in 1983, leading to a collapse of the economy.
(c) The first electronic run on banks happened in 1983, leading to a massive bailout in the $6 billion range.
(d) The first electronic run on banks happened in 1983, leading to one trillion dollars being added to the deficit.

4. During the history of the world, what types of things were first traded?
(a) During the history of money development, trade started out with bartering commodities, cows traded for grain and so on.
(b) During the history of money development, trade started out between neighboring communities.
(c) During the history of money development, trade started out with a rudimentary currency system.
(d) During the history of money development, the first currency system was based on grain and livestock.

5. What happened to many homeowners when the housing market bubble burst?
(a) Many homeowners had to take out second mortgages on their properties.
(b) Suddenly people owed more money on their properties than they were worth.
(c) Many homeowners were forced into foreclosure.
(d) Suddenly people owed more money on their properties than they did when they took out the loan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which European bank become the model for the Federal Reserve System?

2. What is a fractional money system?

3. Why were S&Ls popular with those seeking loans in the 1980s?

4. What historic reference is contained in this chapter?

5. What restrictions were placed on the Bank of Amsterdam which was established in 1609?

(see the answer key)

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