The Creators Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Creators Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Milton before he wrote Paradise Lost?
(a) He nearly died.
(b) He went blind.
(c) He lost his wife.
(d) He lost his children.

2. Whom does Boorstin say was the first biographer?
(a) Benjamin Franklin.
(b) Dr. Samuel Johnson.
(c) Shakespeare.
(d) James Boswell.

3. In Boorstin's account, Michelangelo changed man from an imitation of nature to what?
(a) A perfection of nature.
(b) A recreation of nature.
(c) An example for nature.
(d) The measure of nature.

4. What was the relationship between Wordsworth and Coleridge?
(a) Competitors.
(b) Enemies.
(c) Teacher and student.
(d) Collaborators.

5. How does Boorstin characterize the form of Whitman's poetry?
(a) Unconventional.
(b) Symmetrical.
(c) Modernist.
(d) Post-modern.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Koestler characterize creativity in the epigraph to Book 3?

2. Of what is the Florence Foundling Hospital the first according to Boorstin?

3. What did modern dance claim to be according to Boorstin?

4. What did William Henry Fox Talbot discover?

5. What history did Prescott and Parkman write?

Short Essay Questions

1. When does Boorstin say authors became the subject of their own writing?

2. What innovation does Boorstin say Leonardo da Vinci made in imaginative art?

3. What does Boorstin say Pickering and Prescott have in common, and what is their role in the development of the Western imaginative consciousness?

4. What is Coleridge's importance in imaginative literature according to Boorstin?

5. Why does Boorstin say Goethe's Faust is an important work?

6. Where does Boorstin put Kafka in his portrait of imaginative thinkers?

7. How does Boorstin characterize Michelangelo's contribution to human culture?

8. How does Boorstin characterize Monet's accomplishment?

9. How does Proust change the way we understand imagination in modern times?

10. How did painting begin to reflect the changes that were taking place in literature?

(see the answer keys)

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