The Covenant Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Covenant Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the leader of the Venloo Commandos?
(a) Paulus DeGroot.
(b) Micah Nxumalo.
(c) Christoffel Steyn.
(d) Jakob Van Doorn.

2. Who says that in order to beat the English, the Dutch must first be educated the way they are to have the tools with which to overcome them?
(a) Paulus DeGroot.
(b) Christoffel Steyn.
(c) Piet Krause.
(d) Micah Nxumalo.

3. What is the size of Pik Prinsloo's big diamond find in the stream?
(a) A six carat diamond.
(b) A five carat diamond.
(c) A four carat diamond.
(d) A two carat diamond.

4. Who is sent to the south to see if the Dutch families there can be counted on to join the Dutch families in the north if fighting breaks out between the English and the Dutch?
(a) Sybilla DeGroot.
(b) Paulus DeGroot.
(c) Jakob Van Doorn.
(d) Maud Saltwood.

5. Who do the authorities ask to testify against Daniel Nxumalo?
(a) Frikkie Troxel.
(b) Sannie Van Doorn.
(c) Philip Saltwood.
(d) Marius Van Doorn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to residents of Sophiatown in 1955?

2. What law does Heather Botha break?

3. What does Voortrekker mean?

4. What is the Broederbond?

5. What consequence do the Xhosa people face after taking their actions in response to Nonqause's prophecy?

(see the answer keys)

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