The Covenant Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Covenant Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What three European nations battle for control of Malacca in Chapter Three?
(a) Portugal, Italy, and Holland.
(b) Portugal, Holland, and England.
(c) England, Germany, and Spain.
(d) England, Holland, and France.

2. Why does Nxumalo leave his tribe, the Sixolobo?
(a) He fears he will be executed like his father.
(b) He has been rejected by a woman and has a broken heart.
(c) He wants to see the great city of Zimbabwe.
(d) He has been disgraced in battle and his pride is wounded.

3. How many members are in Gumsto's clan?
(a) One hundred.
(b) One thousand.
(c) Seventy-five.
(d) Twenty-five.

4. What does the king of Zimbabwe put Nxumalo in charge of moving?
(a) The diamond mine.
(b) The city of Zimbabwe.
(c) The royal palace.
(d) The gold mine.

5. What is a Trekboer?
(a) A member of the Trekboer family.
(b) A Dutch bride.
(c) A Dutch sailor.
(d) A nomadic farmer or cattle herder.

6. What is Gao more skilled at than he is at hunting?
(a) Farming.
(b) Catching fish.
(c) Weaving cloth.
(d) Painting.

7. What does Karel Van Doorn want to do with the secret purchase Paul de Prè brings back from France?
(a) Sell it.
(b) Grow grapes and make wine on his South African estate.
(c) Use it as a dowry for his daughter.
(d) Use it to blackmail an enemy.

8. What nationality is the man who establishes the fort at Malacca in 1511?
(a) French.
(b) Dutch.
(c) Portuguese.
(d) Spanish.

9. How does Gao prove his bravery during the hunt?
(a) He attacks the eland with his bare hands.
(b) He approaches the biggest antelope and spears it.
(c) He risks his safety to help his father fight the lions.
(d) He approaches a herd of antelope without assistance.

10. Which of the following does not describe Seena Van Valck?
(a) She is a redhead.
(b) She is a slave girl.
(c) She is eager to leave her home when Adriaan proposes.
(d) She is strong-willed.

11. What is Kharu's role in the tribe?
(a) She's the tribal shaman.
(b) She is the tribal healer.
(c) She makes the poison for the arrows.
(d) She is the tribe's goat herder.

12. Why does Gumsto feel entitled to take the seventeen-year-old widow Naoka as his wife?
(a) He's the handsomest man in the clan.
(b) He's the leader of the clan.
(c) Naoka's father promises her to him to repay a debt.
(d) He's the richest man in the clan.

13. Which of the following physical characteristics is not typical of the clan to which Gumsto belongs?
(a) Yellowish-brown in color.
(b) Extremely wrinkled from a young age.
(c) Thin.
(d) Over six feet tall in height.

14. Who becomes governor of Java in Chapter Three?
(a) Karel Van Doorn.
(b) Captain Nicholas Smallwood.
(c) Willem Van Doorn.
(d) Jonathan Maxwell.

15. At what is Gumsto a master?
(a) Using a bow and arrows.
(b) Painting on cave walls and rocks.
(c) Using a spear.
(d) Tracking antelope and other game.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter One, what has caused the water of the lake to become brackish?

2. When Chief Ngalo asks his son Nxumalo to bring the "heavy earth" to show the Old Seeker, what does Nxumalo bring?

3. What does Mfecane mean?

4. Why does Naoka initially reject Gao as a prospective husband?

5. Whose teachings do French Huguenots follow?

(see the answer keys)

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