The Covenant Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Covenant Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which Van Doorn befriends the slave Dikkop in Chapter Five?
(a) Karel Van Doorn.
(b) Rebecca Van Doorn.
(c) Hendrik Van Doorn.
(d) Adriaan Van Doorn.

2. What is Paul de Prè skilled at growing?
(a) Wheat.
(b) Barley.
(c) Grapes.
(d) Potatoes.

3. Who does Hilary Saltwood marry?
(a) A slave girl named Emma.
(b) Louisa Kennedy.
(c) Katje Van Doorn.
(d) Henrietta Madison.

4. For what purpose are the small San people enslaved and used by the people of Zimbabwe?
(a) To build the city's temples.
(b) To perform domestic tasks like cooking.
(c) To work the gold mines.
(d) To work in the barley fields.

5. Where does Captain Nicholas Saltwood build his English estate?
(a) In Staffordshire.
(b) On the Thames river just outside London.
(c) On the river Avon.
(d) In the center of London.

6. How old is Gumsto when he first appears in the novel?
(a) Eighty.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Fifteen.
(d) Forty-three.

7. What does Nxumalo's father Ndela do to arouse the suspicion of the tribe's diviner?
(a) He flirts with the diviner's daughter.
(b) He hums to himself.
(c) He draws in the dirt with a sharply pointed stick.
(d) He whistles.

8. What is a Trekboer?
(a) A Dutch sailor.
(b) A member of the Trekboer family.
(c) A Dutch bride.
(d) A nomadic farmer or cattle herder.

9. What does Hilary Saltwood name his church?
(a) Christ Chapel.
(b) Bayberry Hill Congregation.
(c) Goshen.
(d) Golan.

10. At what age do the men in Gumsto's tribe marry?
(a) Twenty-five.
(b) Thirty.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Nineteen or twenty.

11. Which tribal leader causes as much death, devastation, and forced migration as Shaka?
(a) Dingane.
(b) Mhlangana.
(c) Mzilikazi.
(d) Nxumalo.

12. What does Karel Van Doorn want to do with the secret purchase Paul de Prè brings back from France?
(a) Grow grapes and make wine on his South African estate.
(b) Sell it.
(c) Use it as a dowry for his daughter.
(d) Use it to blackmail an enemy.

13. Who does Nxumalo work with to eliminate Shaka?
(a) Mzilikazi.
(b) The San tribe.
(c) The Bantu tribe.
(d) Shaka's half-brothers Dingane and Mhlangana.

14. What situation in 1453 makes it imperative for Prince Henry to reach his goals in Africa?
(a) His kingdom is bankrupt.
(b) The Dutch want to invade Portugal.
(c) Africans have declared war on Portugal.
(d) Muslims control Constantinople and routes to the Orient.

15. From what disease does Paul de Prè die?
(a) Smallpox.
(b) Tuberculosis.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Pneumonia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What punishment does the governor of Java impose on slaves who try to escape?

2. What is Willem Van Doorn's dying wish?

3. Who inherits the Van Doorn's South African estate after Paul de Prè's death?

4. How many members are in Gumsto's clan?

5. Why does Nxumalo decide not to return to his home village after seeing Zimbabwe?

(see the answer keys)

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