The Covenant Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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The Covenant Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter IV, The Huguenots.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Prince Henry of Portugal's nickname?
(a) Prince Henry the Navigator.
(b) The Conqueror.
(c) The Dark Lion.
(d) The Prince of Africa.

2. How does Naoka's first husband die?
(a) He drowns.
(b) A rhinoceros kills him.
(c) He dies of a fever.
(d) Gumsto murders him.

3. Which of the following wildlife is not seen at the lake at the beginning of Chapter One?
(a) A herd of eland.
(b) A herd of zebra and a rhinoceros.
(c) Two female lions.
(d) A grizzly bear.

4. What punishment does the governor of Java impose on slaves who try to escape?
(a) Public whipping.
(b) Mutilation.
(c) Imprisonment.
(d) A hefty fine.

5. At what is Gumsto a master?
(a) Using a bow and arrows.
(b) Tracking antelope and other game.
(c) Using a spear.
(d) Painting on cave walls and rocks.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter One, what has caused the water of the lake to become brackish?

2. To what prosperous trade center does Malacca open access?

3. How old is Gumsto when he first appears in the novel?

4. What situation in 1453 makes it imperative for Prince Henry to reach his goals in Africa?

5. In Chapter Two, who promises to wait for Nxumalo to return from Zimbabwe and then marry him?

(see the answer key)

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