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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter VIII, The Voortrekkers.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. From what disease does Paul de Prè die?
(a) Smallpox.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Tuberculosis.
2. Whose teachings do French Huguenots follow?
(a) John Calvin's.
(b) The Catholic Church's.
(c) Buddha's.
(d) Martin Luther's.
3. Who inherits the Van Doorn's South African estate after Paul de Prè's death?
(a) Hendrik Van Doorn.
(b) Paul's son Henri.
(c) Sarel Van Doorn.
(d) Paul's son Louis.
4. Which Van Doorn befriends the slave Dikkop in Chapter Five?
(a) Hendrik Van Doorn.
(b) Rebecca Van Doorn.
(c) Karel Van Doorn.
(d) Adriaan Van Doorn.
5. What causes the loss of horses and oxen at the end of Chapter Eight as the Voortrekkers journey to Zimbabwe?
(a) A Zulu attack on the Voortrekker camp.
(b) A lion attack.
(c) A flash flood in which the animals drown.
(d) The tsetse fly.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do Adriaan and Seena Van Doorn help Dr. Nels Linnart collect?
2. Why does Nxumalo decide not to return to his home village after seeing Zimbabwe?
3. Which of the following does not describe Seena Van Valck?
4. What work does Paul de Prè's wife do for his Amsterdam employers?
5. What does Karel Van Doorn want Paul de Prè to return to France and secretly bring back to him?
This section contains 282 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |
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