The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Deborah Levy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Deborah Levy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Four: Living in Yellow, what does Deborah say she and her daughter ate for breakfast?
(a) Peeled oranges.
(b) Olives.
(c) Eggs.
(d) Peeled apples.

2. In Chapter Four: Living in Yellow, what does Deborah say about this time in the house?
(a) She was tired.
(b) She could not get work.
(c) She could not get paid.
(d) It was her most professionally busy time.

3. In Chapter Four: Living in Yellow, what author does Deborah say wrote a poem about bees that Deborah remembers?
(a) Mark Twain.
(b) Masha.
(c) Emily Dickinson.
(d) Android Droid.

4. In Chapter Five: Gravity, what does Deborah say she looked through?
(a) Old writing and journals.
(b) Old photographs.
(c) Her records.
(d) Her old novels.

5. In Chapter Six: The Body Electric, what does Deborah say her male friend's new wife's name?
(a) Nadia.
(b) Archibald.
(c) Jacob.
(d) Nadine.

6. In Chapter Five: Gravity, how many books does Deborah say she had in her shed?
(a) 2.
(b) 11.
(c) 12.
(d) 10.

7. In Chapter Three: Nets, what does Deborah say she was unmaking?
(a) The home she loved.
(b) The home she despised.
(c) The home she spent most of life building.
(d) The home she hated.

8. In Chapter Two: The Tempest, what is Deborah's marriage in her metaphor?
(a) The sea.
(b) The boat.
(c) The ocean.
(d) The land.

9. In Chapter Two: The Tempest, what does Deborah say the the caterpillar had?
(a) Two butts.
(b) Two brains.
(c) Two bodies.
(d) Two heads.

10. In Chapter Five: Gravity, what was the issue Deborah entered the chapter with?
(a) Being overweight.
(b) Not having a place to write.
(c) Wanting love.
(d) Being sad.

11. In Chapter Four: Living in Yellow, what does Deborah say helped her handle anxiety?
(a) Pain
(b) Art.
(c) Writing.
(d) Conversation.

12. In Chapter Five: Gravity, what does Deborah say Celia sang in?
(a) Russian.
(b) Welsh.
(c) Andalusian.
(d) Arabic.

13. In Chapter Three: Nets, what does Deborah say is the beginning of a new story outside the patriarchy?
(a) A woman not feeling at home in her home.
(b) A woman becoming happy.
(c) A woman becoming a butterfly.
(d) A woman becoming free.

14. In Chapter One: The Big Silver, what does Deborah say was the name of the boat the young woman had been on?
(a) Big Silver.
(b) Little Stud.
(c) Big Man.
(d) Little Silver.

15. In Chapter Five: Gravity, what does Deborah say she stopped at as she walked from her shed to her home?
(a) A castle.
(b) A church.
(c) An opal.
(d) A cemetery.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Six: The Body Electric, how does Deborah say her father had taught her to check if fruit was ripe?

2. In Chapter Four: Living in Yellow, what does Deborah say happened with her furniture?

3. In Chapter Five: Body Electric, what does Deborah say she thought she was doing?

4. In Chapter Two: The Tempest, what does Deborah say she saw?

5. In Chapter Four: Living in Yellow, what does Deborah say she called the corridors?

(see the answer keys)

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