The Control of Nature Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Control of Nature Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Vestmannaeyjar holds how much of Iceland's total population?
(a) Two and a half percent.
(b) Forty-two and a half percent.
(c) Twenty-two percent.
(d) Twelve percent.

2. What does the U.S. Army Air Corps do to an insulating vent on Mauna Loa volcano in 1935?
(a) Floods it with water.
(b) Bombs it.
(c) Attaches vibration sensors.
(d) Fills it with boulders.

3. How long does the the Mauna Loa eruption of 1984 last?
(a) Thirty-three weeks.
(b) Three months.
(c) Thirty-three days.
(d) Three weeks.

4. What is Thorbjorn Sigurgeirsson's idea to stop the flow of lava?
(a) Digging channels and ditches.
(b) Cooling it.
(c) Building a metal wall.
(d) Redirecting it.

5. What childhood fear does Magnus Magnusson share with the author?
(a) Vestmannaeyjar will fall into the sea.
(b) Heimaey will become a ghost town.
(c) Helgafell will erupt.
(d) Iceland will break in half.

6. What does "City Flow" do in Heimaey?
(a) Moves lava streams away from the town.
(b) Melts the moving mountain.
(c) Kills twenty-nine workers.
(d) Crushes houses in its path.

7. When does the author visit Vestmannaeyjar?
(a) Fifteen years after the eruption.
(b) During the eruption.
(c) When the ice shelf collapses.
(d) Fifteen years after the collapse of the ice shelf.

8. In Hawaii, how many volcanoes are there within the group that includes Mauna Loa?
(a) Ten.
(b) Seven.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

9. How does Sigurdur Steinthorsson monitor volcanic gases during the 1973 eruption?
(a) Infrared glasses.
(b) Smoking cigars.
(c) Measuring static electricity.
(d) Particle detector.

10. After the eruptions of 1973 end, how many of Heimaey's evacuees return?
(a) Half.
(b) All of them.
(c) Two-thirds.
(d) Only a handful.

11. Results of the U.S. Army Air Corps' actions on an insulating vent on Mauna Loa volcano in 1935 cannot be confirmed because:
(a) The Corps' loses funding.
(b) The sensors melt.
(c) The volcano stops erupting.
(d) Workers can't get close enough.

12. Reykjavik is the capital city of what nation?
(a) Poland.
(b) Iceland.
(c) Greenland.
(d) Denmark.

13. The U.S. Army Air Corps' actions on an insulating vent on Mauna Loa volcano in 1935 result in what?
(a) Better seismic readings.
(b) Temporary halt of lava flows.
(c) Cooled lava.
(d) Debris buildup and redirected lava flows.

14. When workers in Vestmannaeyjar hose down lava, why do they keep moving?
(a) To cool down other parts of the flow.
(b) To stay warm in the cold climate.
(c) To keep their boots from burning up.
(d) Because the lava flow keeps shifting.

15. Both Iceland and Hawaii are the world's most what?
(a) Productive geophysical hotspots.
(b) Dangerous places to live.
(c) Inhabited islands.
(d) Earthquake-prone islands.

Short Answer Questions

1. Thorbjorn Sigurgeirsson is a native of which country?

2. In Heimaey, who is Sveinn Eiriksson?

3. Heimaey is considered to be an important what?

4. How do the returning residents benefit from the cooled but still hot lava rocks on Vestmannaeyjar?

5. Sveinn Eiriksson is a man of:

(see the answer keys)

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