The Control of Nature Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Control of Nature Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Los Angeles Against the Mountains.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The U.S. Army Air Corps' actions on an insulating vent on Mauna Loa volcano in 1935 result in what?
(a) Temporary halt of lava flows.
(b) Better seismic readings.
(c) Cooled lava.
(d) Debris buildup and redirected lava flows.

2. What do work crews call the two-million ton floating mountain that breaks off during the 1973 eruptions?
(a) Surtsey the Fiery.
(b) Flakkarinn the Wanderer.
(c) Dettifoss the Mountain.
(d) Haukadalur the Ominous.

3. One of Miner Harkness' jobs is to rescue:
(a) Lost campers.
(b) Baby animals.
(c) Stranded livestock.
(d) Mountain hikers.

4. What gives Thorbjorn Sigurgeirsson the idea to cool the oncoming flow of lava?
(a) Watching lava cool by the sea.
(b) Watching children play by the water.
(c) Stories he'd heard of ancestors doing the same.
(d) His post-graduate studies.

5. Debris flows occur at different places and different times, happening infrequently enough that:
(a) The county can afford to pay for damages whenever a flow occurs.
(b) County officials are not worried about them.
(c) The situation is now fully under control.
(d) People continue to move to the region despite the danger of debris flows.

Short Answer Questions

1. Vito Vanoni is a civil engineering professor in Southern California who asserts that:

2. Sveinn Eiriksson is a man of:

3. Valdimar Jonsson is a professor of what?

4. What is Thorbjorn Sigurgeirsson's vocation?

5. The author notes that many regard the Old River Project as what?

(see the answer key)

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