The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America Test | Final Test - Easy

Shelby Steele
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America Test | Final Test - Easy

Shelby Steele
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the status of poor blacks change, according to Steele's view?
(a) They began to identify more with the white middle class.
(b) They became the ultimate victims.
(c) They began to identify more with the poor whites.
(d) They began to identify more with the black middle class.

2. In what did Steele say racism affected his college campus?
(a) It was very apparent between members of different races.
(b) Members of the black race were racist against each other due to differing shades of color.
(c) It was only a problem between white students and black faculty.
(d) It was only a problem between black students and white faculty.

3. What did Steele mention happened to black racial identity throughout the 60's?
(a) It was not acknowledged.
(b) It shifted.
(c) It remained as it had previously been.
(d) For the first time, it was clearly defined.

4. What attitude did Steele say people take against the enemies of their minds?
(a) Trusting.
(b) Hesitant.
(c) Defensive.
(d) Caring.

5. Statistically, what group is much more likely to drop out of college?
(a) Caucasians.
(b) Asians.
(c) African Americans.
(d) Africans.

6. Following Steele's philosophy, how many factors make up white guilt?
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 1.

7. From Steele's experience, what happened to the black students in his college?
(a) They all graduated.
(b) They all dropped out.
(c) Most of them dropped out.
(d) There were no blacks at his school.

8. What did Steele say has become synonymous with color?
(a) Poverty.
(b) Wealth.
(c) Pride.
(d) Happiness.

9. What did Steele say other blacks think of a black person who moves toward the middle class?
(a) They are moving away from being black.
(b) They are expected to give back to the black community.
(c) They will eventually fall back into poverty.
(d) They make proud the black race.

10. What group of students did Steele penned often feels inferior?
(a) Blacks.
(b) Whites.
(c) College-aged.
(d) Asians.

11. What is one of the middle class values mentioned in Chapter 6?
(a) Reinforcing the community mindset.
(b) Reinforcing personal irresponsibility.
(c) Reinforcing personal responsibility.
(d) Reinforcing individualism

12. In Chapter 8, how did Steele say blacks 'use' their race?
(a) As a source of shame.
(b) As a crutch not to try anything new.
(c) As a justification of failure.
(d) As a source of power.

13. Why did Steele say affirmative action appears to be fair?
(a) It gives people the false security that their credentials are worthy of receiving the benefit.
(b) The phrase 'affirmative action' was first used in President John F. Kennedy's Executive Order, and Kennedy was a president who was generally liked by the people.
(c) It is compensation for past injustices.
(d) It legally allows reverse discrimination.

14. What did Steele say has been the source of many problems?
(a) Many focus on the goals of affirmative action rather than the means of it.
(b) Many focus on the means of affirmative action rather than the goals of it.
(c) Many focus on the goals and means of affirmative action.
(d) Many do not focus on the goals or means of affirmative action.

15. What did Steele say racial preference produces?
(a) Dependence on entitlements.
(b) Endurance.
(c) Empathy.
(d) Enlightenment.

Short Answer Questions

1. As indicated by Steele, how is affirmative action a positive relationship between blacks and whites?

2. In line with Steele's views, of the following, what played a vital role in the freedoms that came out of the Civil Rights movement?

3. According to Chapter 5, what do whites want to get rid of?

4. Steele said, blacks falsely associate certain experiences with negative emotions, which is the creation of what?

5. What did Steele mention school campuses mainly focus on in terms of the students?

(see the answer keys)

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