The Contender Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Contender Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls and checks on Alfred, asking him to do a favor in Chapter 12?
(a) Sonny.
(b) Bud.
(c) Mr. Donatelli.
(d) Pearl.

2. In Chapter 13, Alfred is back in the gym training and is beaten by whom?
(a) Major.
(b) Sales.
(c) Angel.
(d) Griffin.

3. What months pass in Chapter 13?
(a) October and November.
(b) August and September.
(c) March and April.
(d) January and February.

4. What does Alfred give James in Chapter 17?
(a) A house key.
(b) 6 dollars.
(c) His watch.
(d) Pearl's earrings.

5. Henry tells Alfred that he's sorry the fight will be what in Chapter 19?
(a) Cancelled.
(b) Televised.
(c) His last.
(d) Rigged.

Short Answer Questions

1. Alfred begs Mr. Donatelli for what in the end of Chapter 18?

2. Who surprises Alfred by showing up at the gym in Chapter 13?

3. To whose home does Alfred go to rest before the fight in Chapter 14?

4. What does Alfred's boss give him in Chapter 13?

5. What is a specific term for the probability of any strike to the head to cause unconsciousness in an opponent?

Short Essay Questions

1. What exchange does Alfred have with James when he arrives at the clubhouse in Chapter 11?

2. What is Alfred's encounter with James like in Chapter 17?

3. What does Mr. Donatelli encourage Alfred to do in Chapter 18? Why?

4. Who does Alfred fight in his second fight in Chapter 16? How does the fight begin?

5. How does Alfred feel the day after the fight in Chapter 16? What happens at work?

6. What exchange does Alfred have with Mr. Donatelli in Chapter 12? Where?

7. Who is present at Thanksgiving dinner in Chapter 17? What is discussed regarding boxing at dinner?

8. How does Alfred exhibit discipline during the fight in Chapter 14?

9. How does Alfred feel when his friends encourage him to work with kids at the school teaching about boxing in Chapter 16?

10. How is Alfred's last fight described in Chapter 19? How does Alfred feel about the outcome?

(see the answer keys)

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