The Contender Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Contender Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In practice, Alfred surprises Angel with what punch in Chapter 13?
(a) A jab.
(b) An upper cut.
(c) A left hook.
(d) A right cross.

2. Alfred's opponent in Chapter 18 is not as fast as whom?
(a) Willie.
(b) Griffin.
(c) Mr. Donatelli.
(d) Barnes.

3. What time is it when Alfred awakens to a phone call in Chapter 12?
(a) 2:45 a.m.
(b) 11:30 p.m.
(c) 7:00 p.m.
(d) 9:30 p.m.

4. In Chapter 20, James is worried because he knows that if he goes to a hospital he is going to what?
(a) Be turned into the police.
(b) Have to face his father.
(c) Be given drugs.
(d) Have surgery.

5. Alfred discovers that the car he is riding in is what, in Chapter 12?
(a) Stolen.
(b) A Bentley.
(c) A diesel.
(d) Not registered.

6. What drug does Alfred partake of at the clubhouse in Chapter 11?
(a) Marijuana.
(b) Crack.
(c) Heroin.
(d) LSD.

7. Lou hands Bud some cash for whom in Chapter 13?
(a) Pearl.
(b) Willie.
(c) Ryan.
(d) Griffin.

8. Who does Alfred discover paid for the robe he received in Chapter 19?
(a) Henry.
(b) Pearl.
(c) Mr. Donatelli.
(d) His father.

9. In the beginning of Chapter 19, Henry keeps commenting on how what Alfred is?
(a) Happy.
(b) Jealous.
(c) Funny.
(d) Nervous.

10. Alfred is told to do what to his opponent in Chapter 16?
(a) Wear him down.
(b) Bite his ear.
(c) Rush him.
(d) Punch his kidneys.

11. What punch does Alfred throw to win the fight in Chapter 16?
(a) A short right uppercut.
(b) A right hook.
(c) A right jab.
(d) A left jab.

12. Alfred learns that he can finish school by doing what in Chapter 14?
(a) Studying online.
(b) Paying off the principal.
(c) Taking night classes.
(d) Testing out.

13. Alfred tells his family that he is planning to go back to finish high school by doing what in Chapter 17?
(a) Taking online courses.
(b) Taking night courses.
(c) Studying abroad.
(d) Bribing the school board.

14. In Chapter 13, Alfred is back in the gym training and is beaten by whom?
(a) Griffin.
(b) Angel.
(c) Major.
(d) Sales.

15. Spoon says that what happened to him at school in Chapter 19?
(a) A kid pulled a knife on him.
(b) His father had a heart attack.
(c) A teacher beat him at chess.
(d) A kid arm wrestled him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mr. Donatelli encourages Alfred to drink what in Chapter 14?

2. Henry tells Alfred that he doesn't do what so badly anymore because he doesn't think about it so much in Chapter 19?

3. Who picks up Alfred for a drive in Chapter 12?

4. Mr. Donatelli tells Alfred that he should do what in Chapter 18?

5. At the fight, Donatelli finds out that Alfred is going to be fighting against whom in Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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