The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Test | Final Test - Easy

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Test | Final Test - Easy

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Amendment 12 (1804) changes a part of Article 2, Section 1, and outlines the process by which individuals to which offices are elected?
(a) President, Vice President, House of Representatives.
(b) President, Vice President, Senate.
(c) President, Vice President.
(d) President, Vice President, Congress.

2. Congress was given the power to do away with Section 3 of Amendment 14, concerning certain supporters of the Confederacy, by a 2/3 vote, and did so in what year?
(a) 1896.
(b) 1894.
(c) 1892.
(d) 1898.

3. Being tried again for a crime already found not guilty of is the definition of what?
(a) Indemnity.
(b) Jeopardy.
(c) Double indemnity.
(d) Double jeopardy.

4. In Amendment 26 (1971) the legal age to vote was lowered to how many years?
(a) 20.
(b) 18.
(c) 17.
(d) 19.

5. Amendment 1 includes which freedom?
(a) Freedom from unreasonable search.
(b) Inability of Congress to pass a law prohibiting free exercise of religion.
(c) Citizens may seek redress via criminal lawsuits for damaging insults.
(d) Freedom from unreasonable seizure.

6. Amendment 18 (1919) states that the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages is illegal beginning when?
(a) 90 days after the ratification of this amendment.
(b) 1 year after the ratification of this amendment.
(c) Immediately upon ratification of this amendment.
(d) 30 days after the ratification of this amendment.

7. The arrest, confiscation, or taking one's belongings best describes what term?
(a) Sneezers.
(b) Analysis.
(c) Seizure.
(d) Assessment.

8. The amount of money put up by arrested individuals to ensure their return at the time of their trial is generally set how?
(a) According to the seriousness of the crime.
(b) According to the ability of the accused to pay.
(c) Mood of the judge at the time.
(d) The state in which the crime occurs.

9. Amendment 11 (1798) changes Article 3, Section 2, and states that a civil or equity suit brought against a state by a citizen of another state or from a foreign country may be tried where?
(a) Federal court.
(b) State court of state against which lawsuit is filed.
(c) National court of foreign country where citizen filing lawsuit resides.
(d) Sate court of state where citizen filing lawsuit resides.

10. Inheritance, corporations, laws concerning education, marriage and divorce all are under the jurisdiction of what government?
(a) Municipal.
(b) Federal.
(c) County.
(d) State.

11. Amendment 14, Section 1 (1868) stipulates no state may deny any person, under its government, what?
(a) Right to be read "Miranda Warning" upon arrest.
(b) Equal protection of the law.
(c) Equal wages for equal labor.
(d) Right to be read "Miranda Warning" prior to questioning.

12. Amendment 17 (1913) stipulates that to vote for the senators from his state, a person must meet what qualifications?
(a) Age 18, U.S. citizen, citizen of state senators will serve, not convicted.
(b) Same as to vote for largest house in state legislature of residence.
(c) Age 21, U.S. citizen, citizen of state senators will serve, not convicted.
(d) Same as to vote for President, Vice President.

13. What does to speak or write in favor of mean?
(a) Address.
(b) Advance.
(c) Advantage.
(d) Advocate.

14. The people may keep and bear arms for which two purposes?
(a) Their protection, hunting.
(b) Hunting, having a well-trained militia.
(c) Having a well-trained militia, recreation.
(d) Their protection, having a well-trained militia.

15. Amendment 14, Section 4 (1868) stipulates the U.S. would pay all its lawful debts, but what could neither the U.S. nor any state pay for?
(a) U.S. military pensions.
(b) .S. bounties earned in the Civil War.
(c) U.S. debts incurred in the Civil War.
(d) Emancipated slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a written court order allowing the arrest, search, and seizure of certain persons or certain property?

2. No citizen shall be forced to supply room and board to soldiers except in the time of war, and even then it is only acceptable when what?

3. According to Amendment 17 (1913), when a state has a Senate vacancy, who can make a temporary appointment?

4. What is involuntary servitude?

5. Amendment 14, Section 1 (1868) stipulates anyone born in the U.S. and governed by it is what type of citizen?

(see the answer keys)

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