The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: Amendments Since the Bill of Rights.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Giving a limited amount of power to the central government and allowing each state to keep the majority of laws and powers was what?
(a) The basis for a centralized government.
(b) The basis of the revised document.
(c) The basis of the initial document.
(d) The basis of a socialist document.

2. Amendment 14, Section 1 (1868) stipulates no state may deny any person, under its government, what?
(a) Equal wages for equal labor.
(b) Equal protection of the law.
(c) Right to be read "Miranda Warning" prior to questioning.
(d) Right to be read "Miranda Warning" upon arrest.

3. Amendment 17 (1913) specifies the Senate is composed of how many members?
(a) 1 senator for every 5 representatives in House, minimum of 2.
(b) 1 senator from each state.
(c) 2 senators from each sate.
(d) Based on population of respective state.

4. Amendment 11 (1798) changes Article 3, Section 2, and states that a civil or equity suit brought against a state by a citizen of another state or from a foreign country may be tried where?
(a) National court of foreign country where citizen filing lawsuit resides.
(b) Federal court.
(c) State court of state against which lawsuit is filed.
(d) Sate court of state where citizen filing lawsuit resides.

5. The President is afforded the ability to set up a Cabinet of advisers including how many members?
(a) 12.
(b) 18.
(c) 13.
(d) 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. Today the Constitution is separated into how many parts?

2. What is the Constitution a contract between?

3. In what year were the Articles of Confederation finally ratified?

4. The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was introduced in what year?

5. How did people eventually refer to this initial document?

(see the answer key)

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