The Constant Princess Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Constant Princess Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long will King Henry wait before making marriage arrangements for his son as of winter, 1503?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Seven years.
(c) One year.
(d) Four years.

2. In "Spring 1511", when does Katherine note that Lady Margaret Pole always seems to be with her?
(a) During times of joy.
(b) During times of war.
(c) During times of sorrow.
(d) During times of stress.

3. Where is Katherine moved to to await the birth in 1510?
(a) Dogmersfield Palace.
(b) Ludlow Castle.
(c) Hampton Court.
(d) Greenwich.

4. What does De Puebla send word to Spain for in winter, 1503?
(a) Permission for Catalina to tour Europe.
(b) Permission to return to Spain himself.
(c) Permission to return Catalina to Spain.
(d) Permission to set up a household for Catalina.

5. Why does the King hope that Catalina believes her destiny is to be Queen?
(a) So that he can convince her to marry Harry.
(b) So that she will succeed when finally in the role.
(c) So that he may reveal his own thoughts to her.
(d) So that she will have more confidence.

6. Why are Catalina and Harry married quietly?
(a) Out of respect for the recently deceased king.
(b) Because the marriage is not approved of by the church.
(c) Out of respect for Arthur.
(d) To keep the public from arguing against the match,

7. Why is the doctor unable to examine the Queen in the summer of 1509?
(a) Katherine is afraid of doctors.
(b) Katherine is in a very delicate state.
(c) Henry does not trust doctors.
(d) No one is allowed to touch her body but the King.

8. How will things change for Harry once his grandmother dies?
(a) He will have no one to confide his worries in.
(b) He will no longer be the second son trying to gain attention.
(c) He will lose diplomatic ties to many countries.
(d) He will have to make difficult decisions on his own.

9. What change does Katherine notice in Henry in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) He doesn't rush to kiss her.
(b) He has started to look at other women.
(c) He seems overwhelmed by the requirements of his position.
(d) He listens more intently to her advice.

10. What does Katherine NOT plan personally to teach the baby she is carrying in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) Jousting.
(b) Handling affairs.
(c) The duties of a king.
(d) Of war.

11. What does Henry note about Katherine after seeing her leave confession in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) That she probably confesses his sins as well.
(b) That she is much more devout than he is.
(c) That she has probably never lied in her life.
(d) That she must have many things to confess.

12. What does Catalina do to try to gain the favor of the king and queen during the winter of 1503?
(a) She convinces her parents to send them an expensive gift.
(b) She prays to God for their favor.
(c) She spends a lot of time with them.
(d) She sews a layette.

13. How does Catalina sustain her household in 1504?
(a) By selling off her plates one at a time.
(b) With an allowance from the Tudors.
(c) By selling off land.
(d) By begging her family to send money.

14. What word does Henry use to describe life at court while Katherine was away in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) Awkward.
(b) Quiet.
(c) Lonely.
(d) Chaotic.

15. What does Catalina tell Harry on the night of their wedding that she is anxious to do with him?
(a) Rule England.
(b) Have children.
(c) Travel to Spain.
(d) Reform the Church.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the banner Henry reveals say?

2. What does Katherine want to name her future son?

3. What does Henry reveal about his mistress's husband in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?

4. What name is given to Katherine's newborn son in "Spring 1511"?

5. What does King Henry inform his son of in June 1503?

(see the answer keys)

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