The Conservationist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Conservationist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Solomon ask Jacobus?
(a) Why Jacobus saved him.
(b) Why he is beaten and left for dead.
(c) If he had actually died in the cold pasture.
(d) Who saved him from the cold pasture.

2. Why do the streets become impassible?
(a) The police have them block of for safety reasons.
(b) Dirt streets turn to mud.
(c) Bridges have collapsed.
(d) The water is running across the streets.

3. What does Mehring find annoying about the Indians?
(a) They do not treat him with respect.
(b) They are not very helpful.
(c) They put on the charm.
(d) They do not work fast enough.

4. Why does Mehring take the opportunity to put his hand on the young girl's thigh?
(a) He thinks she is his wife.
(b) He is bored.
(c) They accidentally touch hands.
(d) He wants to scare her.

5. Over what does Mehring muse?
(a) The running of his farm.
(b) His uncaring son.
(c) His relationship with Antonia.
(d) The suicide of the girl's father.

6. With whom does Mehring walk through the property?
(a) Jacobus.
(b) Antonia.
(c) Terry.
(d) Solomon.

7. Where does Mehring fall asleep?
(a) In his bed.
(b) In the stone outhouse.
(c) On the couch.
(d) Inside a sleeping bag.

8. With what is Mehring charged, regarding the young girl on the plane?
(a) "Sexual harassment."
(b) "Sexual assault."
(c) "Child abuse."
(d) "Interfering."

9. Why does Terry call from New York?
(a) To tell his father he will not be returning.
(b) To wish Mehring happy birthday.
(c) To say happy New Year.
(d) To say he arrived safely.

10. What is Izak playing loudly?
(a) The radio.
(b) The clarinet.
(c) The guitar.
(d) The piano.

11. What is Phineas' wife doing at the celebration?
(a) She is arguing with everyone at the party.
(b) She is drinking heavily.
(c) She is talking to herself in the corner of the room.
(d) Dancing crazily and describing the animals she can turn into.

12. Why can the orange river lilies be seen?
(a) The farmhands have planted more this year.
(b) They have grown larger than in the past.
(c) The fire has made this viewing possible.
(d) They are in a different location from the previous summer.

13. Why is Mehring easily able to make the issue with the young girl disappear?
(a) The girl's family are immigrants and do not want trouble.
(b) He is innocent.
(c) She did not complain.
(d) The girl's family is of a lower social class and therefore powerless.

14. What streaks across the sky as Mehring reaches a stone outhouse?
(a) Heat lightning.
(b) A plane.
(c) A comet.
(d) A shooting star.

15. Why is William in an argument with a woman named Dorcas?
(a) She is late arriving to work.
(b) She claims her husband's money is being withheld by the Indians.
(c) She refuses to pay full price for her purchases.
(d) She has just stolen from the store.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although cyanide is the quickest way to commit suicide, why does he believe it is not what the man used?

2. Who is the man with Mehring that Mehring is thinking about?

3. Why are they so excited?

4. What does Mehring take as he walks across the compound?

5. What will Terry be missing by staying in the United States with his mother?

(see the answer keys)

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