The Conference of the Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sufi texts#Farid ad-Din Attar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Conference of the Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sufi texts#Farid ad-Din Attar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the Way lifeless-according to the hoopoe?
(a) To make the journey as hard as possible.
(b) To insure that the birds create their own path.
(c) To allow those on the journey to choose their own path.
(d) To glorify the king.

2. What advice did the hoopoe give to the goldfinch about earthly claims?
(a) Turn your back on them.
(b) Remember that you will leave them in death.
(c) Never claim them as your own.
(d) Shut your eyes to them.

3. According to the hoopoe, with whom did the pigeon share a goal?
(a) Lazarus.
(b) Jonah.
(c) The son of God.
(d) David.

4. How many birds gathered around the Hoopoe after he was chosen leader for the journey?
(a) One million.
(b) Every bird on earth.
(c) One hundred thousand.
(d) Ten thousand.

5. What did Malek Dinar claim that he had done after getting bread from God?
(a) Fed the poor.
(b) Fed the birds.
(c) Carried out the Evil One's commands.
(d) Hoarded the bread.

6. Where did the finch say that he would seek his loved one at?
(a) A tree.
(b) A well.
(c) The sky.
(d) A cave.

7. What does Bismillah mean?
(a) Amen.
(b) Hope.
(c) In the name of God.
(d) Holy one.

8. The gravedigger said ________ watched him dig graves?
(a) Pride.
(b) Poverty.
(c) Fear.
(d) Self.

9. What did the miserly bird claim to love?
(a) Solitude.
(b) Misery.
(c) Gold.
(d) Pride.

10. What happened when the Shiekh Sam'an drank wine?
(a) He lost his true love.
(b) He lost his faith.
(c) He forgot about his path.
(d) He broke his tie to the Simorgh.

11. Who was Uzza?
(a) Another name for the Self.
(b) A goddess in pre-Islamic Arabia.
(c) A man struck down by God for sinning.
(d) An Islamic god of air.

12. Whom did the Shiekh Sam'an see at dawn when he smelled the "musk-diffusing breeze"?
(a) Hate.
(b) The Muse.
(c) The Prophet.
(d) Pride.

13. In what color was the parrot clothed?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Green.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

14. Whom did the heron say that he loved and, therefore, could not go on the journey to find the Simorgh?
(a) His homeland.
(b) His partner.
(c) His nest.
(d) The sea.

15. Who did the hoopoe say was "twinned in unison" with God?
(a) The hawk.
(b) The hoopoe.
(c) Jesus.
(d) The Simorgh.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom did the hoopoe compare the nightingale?

2. What did the "cowardly bird" say would happen the first time the birds stopped for a rest during the journey?

3. Whom did the woodcutter say that God helps?

4. What leader claimed that he was the lord to his people and the people ignored his claims?

5. Where did God tell Gabriel to find the one who had cast away the Self and had a pure heart?

(see the answer keys)

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