The Concept of Law Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Concept of Law Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are legitimate laws not?
(a) Just.
(b) Punitive.
(c) Coextensive.
(d) Applicable.

2. Why does Austin claim international law is not binding?
(a) Because large countries can do what they want.
(b) Because small countries are not well represented.
(c) Because the U.N is powerless.
(d) Because it has no organized sanction.

3. What are the ultimate rules?
(a) The final test of validity.
(b) Customs that make it into laws.
(c) Moral based laws.
(d) Internal Statement.

4. What is sometime given too much room to judges?
(a) Time.
(b) Rules.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Discretion.

5. What do moral rules vary across?
(a) Societies and time periods.
(b) Country.
(c) Lands.
(d) People.

6. What does International law lack?
(a) A common tribunal.
(b) Legislature and compulsory jurisdiction.
(c) Custom laws.
(d) Morale law.

7. What is is caught between the poles of excessive formalism and excessive rule-skepticism?
(a) Legal theory.
(b) Moral rules.
(c) Judges.
(d) Custom.

8. What are authoritative quality of general rules sometime qualified as?
(a) Dangerous.
(b) Small.
(c) Exaggerated.
(d) Understated.

9. What do judges do when they state that a law is valid?
(a) The make an external statement.
(b) The make a simple statement.
(c) They make an internal statement.
(d) They make a multiple statement.

10. When does the second question arisen by Hart's theory appear?
(a) When we analyze the idea that a legal system can be said not to exist.
(b) When we analyze the idea that a custom can not be said to exist.
(c) When we analyze the idea that a legal system can be said to exist.
(d) When we analyze the idea that acustom can be said to exist.

11. What do positivists tend to see natural laws?
(a) As built on fallacy.
(b) As built on morale.
(c) As build on concrete laws.
(d) As build on sand.

12. How is the legal standards impose when some are helpless victims of the law?
(a) By bribes.
(b) By morale pressure.
(c) By force or the threat of it.
(d) By social pressure.

13. What does Hart wonder about international law?
(a) If it is necessary.
(b) Is it applicable.
(c) If it is doomed to fail.
(d) It is law at all.

14. When may a society acquire a system of supremacy of rules?
(a) When the society is democratic.
(b) Then the society has primary rules.
(c) When it acquires secondary rules.
(d) When he abandon customs based law.

15. What are our legal standard, according to Hart?
(a) Determinate.
(b) Good.
(c) Indeterminate.
(d) Imperfect.

Short Answer Questions

1. What cannot be given for everything?

2. What can the official sector be in conflict with?

3. What do those insisting on the connection between law and morality differ on, according to Chapter 8?

4. What is the most dangerous sort of international disputes?

5. What do people often equate to legal system?

(see the answer keys)

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