The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. This is amended, thematically, shortly thereafter with, "Thus Urizen spoke collected himself in awful pride / space / Art though visionary of Jesus the soft delusion of Eternity / Lo I am __________________________________." (p. 307).
(a) God the Father and not the destroyer.
(b) God the Almighty and the Father of our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ.
(c) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
(d) God the terrible destroyer and not the Savior.

2. Blake, while not mimicking the classical poet _________________, is certainly carrying on the tradition of excellence in poetry.
(a) Callinus.
(b) Homer.
(c) Theocritus.
(d) Aeschylus.

3. Here is yet another portion of the book where there is what?
(a) An expression of Blake's beliefs.
(b) A lull in the plot line.
(c) A unique writing structure.
(d) A change in the writings.

4. The opening scene is of a small gathering where there is what taking place?
(a) An auction.
(b) An intellectual conversation.
(c) A battle.
(d) An argument.

5. Some of them do add up to make poems, such as those under what?
(a) "Effigy."
(b) "Elena."
(c) "Elegy."
(d) "Eloise."

Short Answer Questions

1. As noted above there are those which are poems designed to accompany what?

2. There are how many poems under this category?

3. In this particular case, the set constituted what?

4. The author then moves on to extol the virtues of what kind of love?

5. At this starting point, Blake presents how many arguments?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does this section begin?

2. Where is this theme handled? Give an example to support your response.

3. What does the author say about his own reputation and wealth?

4. Describe the earlier set of etchings.

5. What does Blake say about marriage in this section? Give an example from the text to support your response.

6. How do these writings compare to William Blake's previous works?

7. What is one example of Blake's beliefs being discussed into greater detail in this section?

8. What is one way Blake goes about trying to be acknowledged as an artist?

9. To what is this portion devoted? Describe this portion.

10. What is significant about the set of poems called Songs and Ballads?

(see the answer keys)

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