The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The evil ones in the poetic stories have been those who are ___________ the idea that the mind has greater power than what comes to be presented to the human senses as objects of the world.
(a) Against.
(b) Sure of.
(c) For.
(d) Unsure of.

2. The author plants _____________ truths into the verses of the second page.
(a) Simple.
(b) Sexual.
(c) Unique.
(d) Interesting.

3. How will those intently interested in the details of this part of his work feel about having been included?
(a) Nervous.
(b) Angry.
(c) Grateful.
(d) Embarrassed.

4. What is another recurring image?
(a) Humans being taken by other humans.
(b) Humans being taken by animals.
(c) Animals being taken by humans.
(d) Animals being taken by other animals.

5. At this starting point, Blake presents how many arguments?
(a) Five.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Three.

6. After the Mad Song, there are two simply called what?
(a) Song.
(b) Love.
(c) Faith.
(d) Dance.

7. The divine realm and the mind are united in and by what?
(a) The imagination.
(b) The poetic genius.
(c) God.
(d) The creative genius.

8. He uses his powers to do what?
(a) Leave hells.
(b) Destroy hells.
(c) Create hells.
(d) Enter and traverse hells.

9. The opening scene is of a small gathering where there is what taking place?
(a) An auction.
(b) An argument.
(c) An intellectual conversation.
(d) A battle.

10. Urizen is where?
(a) In the dark fiery regions.
(b) In heaven.
(c) In his home.
(d) In a Void.

11. This theme is handled during what?
(a) The Four Zoas.
(b) The first poem.
(c) The first few poems.
(d) The last poem.

12. In the poem, Summer, each stanza is progressively ______________ than the one before it.
(a) Longer.
(b) More convoluted.
(c) Shorter.
(d) More simplistic.

13. This set of writings is listed in the Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake under Roman numeral ____.
(a) V.
(b) IX.
(c) X.
(d) IV.

14. As noted above there are those which are poems designed to accompany what?
(a) His acrylic paintings.
(b) His statues.
(c) His oil paintings.
(d) His water colors.

15. What are included in this section?
(a) Love poems.
(b) Epic tales.
(c) Epitaphs.
(d) Stories.

Short Answer Questions

1. With respect to William Blake's ____________, there were at least two kinds.

2. Why is the answer to Number 95 happening?

3. Does there seem to be the depth of rhyme or reason for the specific sequence of pictures or phrases that turn out to be lines to a coherent poem?

4. "...any loving woman is sure to be loved [regardless of her physical form] beneficial and highly valued" is what?

5. What constitutes a major change in the writings of William Blake?

(see the answer keys)

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