The Complete Poems, 1927-1979 Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Complete Poems, 1927-1979 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the second part of Three Valentines depict?
(a) The poet's desire to leave her lover.
(b) The poet's not understanding how she fell out of love.
(c) The poet's not understanding how she came to fall in love.
(d) The poet's desire to fall in love.

2. In "The Moose," why are the people's reactions to the moose surprising?
(a) They act like they have never seen a moose.
(b) They are overly frantic.
(c) They have never heard of a moose.
(d) They are overly calm.

3. Who are the authors of the poems Bishop translated in Translations?
(a) Famous poets she never met.
(b) Her colleagues and mentors.
(c) Poets she mentored.
(d) Poets she disliked but respected.

4. In "The Mountain," what does the mountain want to know?
(a) Why time is so important to people.
(b) How old it is.
(c) Why it feels so much older than it is.
(d) Whether the world was better before there were people.

5. Who cries for the mouse in "The Hanging of the Mouse"?
(a) The mouse's wife.
(b) The bird.
(c) The praying mantis.
(d) The cat.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bishop begin the section Geography III?

2. To whom is "Sunday at Key West" dedicated?

3. What are the Brothers of the Souls carrying in "From 'The Life and Death of a Severino""?

4. Where was the poet Max Jacob from?

5. What does the moose do in "The Moose"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the effect on the reader of the surprise ending in Vinicius de Moraes' "Sonnet of Intimacy"?

2. What does "12 O'Clock News" reveal about the way Bishop views familiar objects?

3. What are two meanings of the title "The Waiting Room"?

4. In what style is Bandeira's poem "Brazilian Tragedy" composed?

5. From what perspective is the story of "The Hanging of the Mouse" told?

6. What do the hats come to symbolize in "Exchanging Hats"?

7. What is the tone of "Lines Written in the Fannie Farmer Cookbook"?

8. What do all the metaphorical places in "For C.W.B." have in common?

9. What do the various animals symbolize in "A Word with You"?

10. What was the political situation that inspired "The Hanging of the Mouse"?

(see the answer keys)

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