The Complete Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Complete Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Thesmophoriazusae, what does Mnesilochus do to defend himself after being uncovered as a man?
(a) He takes a hostage, but the baby turns out to be a bottle of wine.
(b) He tries to talk his way out.
(c) He runs.
(d) He hides.

2. In Thesmophoriazusae, who speaks in Euripides' defense at the women's court?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Mnesilochus dressed as a woman.
(c) Cleisthenes.
(d) Agathon.

3. In Thesmophoriazusae, who warns the women of a spy in their mists during the court proceedings?
(a) Cleisthenes.
(b) No-one.
(c) Demeter.
(d) Agathon.

4. What do Eulipides and Pisthetaerus eat in the woods to undergo a transformation?
(a) Beef.
(b) A root.
(c) Chicken.
(d) A salad.

5. How do Eulipides and Pisthetaerus think the gods can be supplanted?
(a) By stealing Zeus' thunder.
(b) By stealing fire from men.
(c) By building a castle between earth and heaven.
(d) By dressing like birds.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the old women do while the meeting is being held?

2. Who is Cinesias looking for when he comes to the building occupied by the women?

3. Where are Mnesilochus and his cousin going to at the beginning of Thesmophoriazusae?

4. Who is getting married at the end of The Birds?

5. In Lysistrata, what are some of the women trying to do while guarding the building they took over?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the women want to take power in The Assemblywomen and how do they plan on overthrowing the men?

2. How do Pisthetaerus and the birds subdue the gods?

3. Why are Dionysus and Xanthias visiting Dionysus's half-brother in The Frogs?

4. What is the old women's role in Lysistrata's plan?

5. How do the men react to the Lysistrata's taking over the treasury building?

6. Why is Dionysus changing clothes so often in the middle of The Frogs?

7. In the play The Frogs, where are Dionysus and Xanthias going and how are they greeted when they arrived?

8. What does Lysistrata find some of the women trying to do?

9. Who becomes king of the birds at the end of The Birds?

10. What is Euripides concerned about at the start of Thesmophoriazusae?

(see the answer keys)

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