The Complete Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Complete Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose money is Pheidippides betting with at the beginning of The Clouds?
(a) Money from a loan.
(b) His father, Strepsiades' money.
(c) His own.
(d) His sister's money.

2. Who is Demosthenes and Nicias' master?
(a) Amos.
(b) Lemos.
(c) Scemos.
(d) Demos.

3. After realizing he helped create a monster, what does Strepsiades do at the end of The Clouds?
(a) Asks his son to leave the house.
(b) Burns the school down.
(c) Enrolls himself in the school again.
(d) Burns his home down.

4. What does Dicaeopolis do after the meeting with the Spartans?
(a) He goes to sleep.
(b) He hides in his house.
(c) He goes to the Assembly.
(d) He organizes a feast to the God Dionysus.

5. What does Dicaeopolis wait for at the beginning of Acharnians?
(a) Athens to surrender to Sparta.
(b) Sparta to surrender to Athens.
(c) The assembly to begin.
(d) His wife to come back from the Oracle.

6. How old is Dicaeopolis?
(a) He is a middle aged man.
(b) He is a young man.
(c) He is a young boy.
(d) He is an old man.

7. Who are the real gods according to the teacher at the think-shop?
(a) Cats.
(b) Women shaped clouds.
(c) Dogs.
(d) Birds.

8. What proposal does Amphitheus make to Dicaeopolis?
(a) To help him flee to Sparta.
(b) To broker a private peace deal between Athens and Sparta.
(c) To help him find a wife.
(d) To help him defeat Sparta.

9. What became of Pheidippides?
(a) He becomes pale and ugly.
(b) He continues betting.
(c) He leaves his father's house.
(d) He stole money and ran away.

10. In the Clouds, where does Socrates go when he needs to think?
(a) In a basket suspended from the ceiling.
(b) In a closet.
(c) In his bed.
(d) Upside down.

11. What happens to Amphitheus?
(a) He visits Acharnian farms.
(b) He goes back to Sparta.
(c) He has a meal with Acharnians.
(d) He is captured by a gang of Acharnians.

12. After Trygaeus frees peace, who steals Trygaeus' beetle?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Hermes.
(c) Hera.
(d) Peace.

13. Who do Demosthenes and Nicias think is the cause of their trouble?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Their master.
(c) Cleon.
(d) Athena.

14. What is the chorus of old men doing after they arrive at Bdelycleon's home?
(a) Chanting.
(b) Undressing Bdelycleon.
(c) Attacking Bdelycleon.
(d) Cheering Bdelycleon.

15. What are the two slaves collecting for their master's beetle at the start of Peace?
(a) Carrots.
(b) Grass.
(c) Dung.
(d) Hay.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bdelycleon propose to settle the dispute between him and the Wasps concerning his father?

2. What do Demosthenes and Nicas accuse their fellow slave, Paphlagon, of doing?

3. Upon his arrival at the think-shop, how is Strepsiades greeted?

4. What god(s) does Trygeaeus find willingly remain in heaven?

5. What does Dicaeopolis agree to?

(see the answer keys)

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