The Complete Maus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Complete Maus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What saves Vladek from a beating at the hands of a German guard while in Srodula?
(a) The arrival of a crowd of Jews.
(b) His connection with Haskel Spiegelman.
(c) The arrival of the guard’s ranking officer.
(d) His ability to bribe the officer.

2. When were Vladek and Anja and the others moved to Srodula?
(a) 1944.
(b) 1943.
(c) 1942.
(d) 1945.

3. What does Vladek find out is the problem with his in-laws’ family’s finance during the war?
(a) They have lost their factories, but they are still living like they did before the war.
(b) Their taxes have been raised so high that they are making textiles at a loss.
(c) They have to pay so much to bribe German soldiers that there is hardly enough to live on.
(d) The cost of things has risen so high that they cannot maintain their lifestyle.

4. Who found Artie’s mother’s body?
(a) Anja’s sister.
(b) Artie
(c) Vladek.
(d) Artie’s sister.

5. What does Vladek come back to Anja with, after walking around Sosnowiec?
(a) Money.
(b) Directions to a safe town.
(c) News about the camps.
(d) Food.

6. What is Artie's father’s response when Artie says that he should hire someone to fix the broken item in Chapter 4?
(a) Money doesn’t grow on trees.
(b) He can’t find good help.
(c) It isn’t dignified to pay for such simple work.
(d) He can’t afford it.

7. How does Art Spiegelman depict the Jews pretending to be Poles?
(a) He draws them in different clothes.
(b) He draws them with pig masks over their mouse faces.
(c) He draws them as pigs.
(d) He draws them as dogs.

8. What happens when Vladek and Anja are followed after leaving Mrs. Motonowa’s house?
(a) They have to run to get away from the people following them.
(b) They are arrested.
(c) The soldiers search them.
(d) The people continue without bothering them.

9. Where were Vladek and Anja arrested?
(a) In Latvia.
(b) In Sosnowiec.
(c) In Hungary.
(d) In Bielsko.

10. Where did the Zylberberg family go on January 1, 1942?
(a) A work camp.
(b) A factory.
(c) A smaller apartment.
(d) A concentration camp.

11. Who causes Vladek and Anja to be arrested?
(a) The smugglers.
(b) The Gestapo stops them randomly.
(c) People who used to know them.
(d) Their fellow passengers.

12. How do Vladek’s in-laws distract themselves from the war?
(a) By dancing and having parties.
(b) By playing cards.
(c) By writing the family history.
(d) By reading.

13. What is Vladek doing when Artie sees him next in Chapter 5?
(a) Reading.
(b) Sorting nails.
(c) Bicycling.
(d) Fixing the roof.

14. What do Vladek’s fellow prisoners pay him with, for his help?
(a) Food.
(b) Money.
(c) Contacts with good smugglers.
(d) Favors.

15. After leaving Mrs. Motonowa’s house, where do Vladek and Anja consider fleeing to?
(a) Russia.
(b) Hungary.
(c) America.
(d) Latvia.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the “Prisoner on the Hell Planet” differ from the rest of Maus stylistically?

2. Who ultimately takes Richieu away from the ghetto?

3. What part of his father’s story does Artie say he wishes he knew more about?

4. Who does Vladek run into on the streets of Sosnowiec?

5. Where did Vladek and Anja go from Sosnowiec?

(see the answer keys)

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