Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. The Communists should openly.....and meet this __________ of the specter of communism.
2. What does wage labor not create for the laborer?
3. What property does the Communist movement seek to abolish?
4. In France, Communists ally themselves with the ____________.
5. The cheap prices of what are the heavy 'artillery' of the bourgeoisie?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does reactionary socialism, specifically feudal socialism literature, seek to upbraid the bourgeoisie about?
2. What revolution is given as an example for a society that abolished feudal property?
3. What do all of the movements in this section bring to the front as the leading question of each?
4. In Switzerland, who do the Communists support?
5. How are the Communists distinguished from the Working class parties?
6. Why has the work of the proletarians lost all individual character?
7. Whose vocation had it been previously to write pamphlets against the modern bourgeois society?
8. According to the book, what happens to the lower middle class as production becomes more mechanized?
9. What did the true socialism of Germany represent with regard to the reactionary interests?
10. Who are the authors of the Communist Manifesto?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Though the arguments in The Communist Manifesto are found, the idea of communism is not something that has spread throughout the world.
Part 1: Do you think the argument in this text is strong? How? Why?
Part 2: Why has Communism not been as effective in today's world as Marx envisioned?
Part 3: Do you see Communism as a viable societal construct? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
The idea of class being the root of all troubles is one that Marx describes at length.
Part 1: Define the idea of class in society then and now.
Part 2: What does class structure do to cause the trouble that Marx feels needs to be changed?
Part 3: Why is class structure so important to the argument for Communism?
Essay Topic 3
The proletariat seem to be the ones that are meant to change the world.
Part 1: Why are the proletariat called upon to revolt?
Part 2: Why haven't previous proletariat revolutions been successful?
Part 3: How have the proletariat already worked together to change their lives?
This section contains 619 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |