The Commodore Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Commodore Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Captain Jack Aubrey - He is the seasoned captain of the Surprise.

Stephan Maturin - He is a naval surgeon.

Tom Pullings - He has served under Aubrey as a lieutenant during previous novels in the series.

Diana Villiers Maturin - She is Maturin's wife.

Sophie Aubrey - She is Jack's wife.

Clarissa Oakes - Clarissa is intelligent and insightful, and has a strong, steady and positive effect on Maturin's young daughter.

Padeen Coleman - He is Maturin's servant, or steward, and is responsible for keeping Maturin's clothing and cabin in good order.

Preserved Klilick - He is Jack Aubrey's steward and has been a faithful, if cantankerous, servant for many years.

Sarah and Emily Sweeting - They are two Melanesian girls who are taken from their home town by Maturin as the sole survivors of a plague.

Barrett Bonden - He is Aubrey's coxswain.

Sir Joseph Blaine -...

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