The Comfort of Strangers Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comfort of Strangers Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Caroline characterize Mary and Colin as a couple?
(a) As loving
(b) As a striking pair
(c) As very compatible
(d) As complete opposites

2. What does Caroline say makes her feel more efficient?
(a) Wearing colorful clothing
(b) Wearing white clothing
(c) Having company in her home
(d) Wearing makeup

3. Why does Mary repeat the story about the photograph to Colin while they are eating breakfast?
(a) She wants to make sure he understands the gravity of the situation.
(b) She is not sure he listened carefully when she told the story the night before.
(c) She is trying to get him to confront Robert.
(d) She wants to see what his reaction is now that it is daylight.

4. What causes Robert and Caroline's intimate relationship to become violent?
(a) Caroline asks Robert to hurt her.
(b) Caroline's infidelity
(c) Robert's father insists he beat Caroline during sex.
(d) Robert's frustration at not being able to conceive children.

5. What concerns Colin when he walks to the edge of the ocean?
(a) He cannot see Mary swimming in the distance.
(b) He and Mary have begun arguing again after several days of renewed passion.
(c) The group of teenagers is encroaching on the spot where he and Mary have placed their towels.
(d) He sees Robert in the distance.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the "apelike" teenage boy spend his time doing while at the beach?

2. What does Colin do for a living?

3. How does Mary react when Colin changes position while standing on the balcony?

4. Where do Mary and Colin go initially after leaving the beach?

5. What continually interrupts Mary and Colin's conversation at the beach?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Colin say in response to Robert's monologue on gender relations? How does Robert respond to Colin's comment?

2. How do the police react to Mary's statement about Colin's murder? Why?

3. Describe the process of Mary realizing that Colin was in the photograph at Robert's apartment

4. Why do Mary and Colin depart the riverboat early? How does their ultimate destination differ from their intended destination?

5. How does Mary's reaction to Robert's photograph differ from Colin's?

6. How do Mary and Colin's conversations compare to their lovemaking?

7. Why doesn't Mary respond much to Caroline's stories? What is likely the source of her silence?

8. Describe the evolution of the sexual dynamics between Robert and Caroline.

9. Describe Mary and Colin's routine for the days following their visit to Robert and Caroline's apartment.

10. Describe the scene between Robert and Mary at the bookcase.

(see the answer keys)

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