The Comfort of Strangers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comfort of Strangers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of map offered in the kiosks around Venice?
(a) A small map with only the major streets marked
(b) A large fold-out map of the entire city
(c) A series of maps dividing the city into quadrants
(d) A detailed map designed specifically for tourists

2. How does Robert first meet Caroline?
(a) She is a friend of his sisters' and she comes to the house to play.
(b) She comes to Robert's home with her parents who are Canadian diplomats.
(c) Robert's family visits a fellow diplomat in Canada.
(d) They meet at school.

3. What is Robert's opinion of Italian feminists?
(a) They are too radical.
(b) They want to destroy relationships between men and women.
(c) They are too beautiful to love.
(d) They are more sympathetic than English feminists.

4. What does Mary spend time doing when she awakens?
(a) She reads while Colin sleeps.
(b) She searches the room they are in.
(c) She talks with Caroline.
(d) She studies Colin while he is sleeping.

5. What are Mary and Colin searching for in the morning?
(a) Food and water
(b) Their clothing
(c) The police
(d) Robert's apartment

Short Answer Questions

1. What often happens to Mary and Colin when they are sightseeing or shopping?

2. Why does Caroline have difficulty moving around the house?

3. How do Robert's sisters attempt to embarrass him in front of Caroline?

4. What do Mary and Colin notice about Robert's appearance once they have been in the bar for some time?

5. Where do Mary and Colin meet Robert?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the gallery in Robert and Caroline's apartment

2. What does Mary tell Colin she dreams about during their daily naps?

3. Describe the display in the department store window that both Mary and Colin comment on.

4. Describe Mary and Colin's experience outside of the hospital.

5. Describe the setting around the tourist attraction clock tower.

6. Where does Robert take Mary and Colin to eat? Describe this setting.

7. What do Robert's sisters feed him one afternoon? Why?

8. Why does Mary begin thinking of her children in this chapter? What does she wish she had done?

9. What are Mary and Colin looking for as they journey through the city? Why?

10. Describe Colin and Mary's nightly ritual (in the hotel room) before leaving for dinner

(see the answer keys)

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