The Comfort of Strangers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comfort of Strangers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Robert and Caroline's intimate relationship to become violent?
(a) Caroline's infidelity
(b) Caroline asks Robert to hurt her.
(c) Robert's frustration at not being able to conceive children.
(d) Robert's father insists he beat Caroline during sex.

2. Where did Mary work for many years?
(a) In a woman's theatre group
(b) In the movie industry
(c) In an art gallery
(d) In a men's theatre group

3. What does Robert do at the beginning of this chapter to mark the change in his relationship with Mary and Colin?
(a) He embraces them warmly as they reach the apartment.
(b) He tells Mary she must leave the apartment.
(c) He steps between them on the stairs placing his hand around Colin's shoulder.
(d) He speaks only to Colin.

4. What does Mary do as she sits with Colin's body?
(a) Repeats his name out loud
(b) Fixes his hair and holds his hand
(c) Tells him what Caroline confessed to her
(d) Cries incessantly

5. Why do Mary and Colin laugh at the other tourists in the hotel cafe?
(a) They believe it is more pleasurable to spend their vacation in bed than out sightseeing.
(b) The other tourists need a map to travel in Venice while Mary and Colin know their way around the city.
(c) Few of the other tourists speak Italian.
(d) They believe they have acclimated to Venice better than the other tourists.

6. What does Mary see as "the most powerful single principle of organization shaping institutions and individual lives"?
(a) Feminism
(b) Sex
(c) Society
(d) Patriarchy

7. Who does Mary notice as she is drinking hot chocolate in the hotel cafe?
(a) Robert
(b) An elderly couple
(c) Caroline
(d) Colin

8. What promise did Colin make to Caroline?
(a) To kiss her before leaving Venice
(b) To visit her and Robert before he and Mary left Venice
(c) To take her to the doctor
(d) To help her escape from Robert

9. Why does Robert idolize his father and grandfather?
(a) They were ladies men.
(b) They were financially successful.
(c) They were respected diplomats.
(d) They believed in clearly defined roles for men and women.

10. Where do Mary and Colin spend several days after returning from Robert's home?
(a) In museums
(b) At the beach
(c) In their hotel room
(d) Touring Venice

11. Where do Mary and Colin travel to at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) To London
(b) To the church across the river from their hotel
(c) To Robert and Caroline's apartment
(d) To the beach

12. How is the beach setting described as at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) As deserted and lonely
(b) As crowded and oppressive
(c) As dirty and polluted
(d) As crowded and lively

13. How does Robert characterize his relationship with Colin to the men they encounter?
(a) As enemies
(b) As lovers
(c) As brothers
(d) As old friends

14. How does Colin initially react when Mary tells him what has frightened her?
(a) He falls asleep.
(b) He dismisses it.
(c) He tries to soothe her.
(d) He is also frightened.

15. Where do Mary and Colin go after leaving the boat?
(a) To Robert and Caroline's apartment
(b) To a restaurant
(c) To the beach
(d) To their hotel room

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Colin suggest he and Mary depart the boat early?

2. What has changed about Mary and Colin's relationship in this chapter?

3. In Colin's opinion, what is the mark of a successful vacation?

4. How does Robert react when Colin repeatedly asks him questions about the photograph?

5. What does Mary realize that frightens her?

(see the answer keys)

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