The Comfort of Strangers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comfort of Strangers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following describes Mary and Colin's relationship at the opening of the novel?
(a) New and exciting
(b) Committed, but antagonistic
(c) New and volatile
(d) Committed, but uneventful

2. Who do Mary and Colin meet while at the cafe?
(a) Caroline
(b) Robert
(c) A fellow Englishman
(d) Mary's ex-husband

3. What do Robert's sisters tell him he must have before eating sweets?
(a) Lemonade
(b) A glass of milk
(c) Castor oil
(d) Dinner

4. Why do Mary and Colin leave their hotel room after making love?
(a) They are convinced they can find an open restaurant for dinner.
(b) They are planning on moving to another hotel.
(c) They must head home after their vacation.
(d) They are going to a bar.

5. Where are Mary and Colin vacationing?
(a) Paris
(b) Rome
(c) Venice
(d) London

6. Who is the only person who is kind to Robert after the incident in the study?
(a) His father
(b) Maria
(c) His mother
(d) The maid

7. Why do Mary and Colin become concerned when they finally get a table at a cafe?
(a) The restaurant does not serve beverages.
(b) They are at the far edge of the waiter's station and cannot be seen.
(c) They realize they do not have cash with them.
(d) They are unable to read the menu because it is in Italian.

8. Why do Robert's sisters put him in their father's study after he has eaten sweets?
(a) They know their father will punish him for being in there.
(b) They know he will have diarrhea in there and will damage the sacred room.
(c) They do not want to get in trouble for feeding him sweets.
(d) They want their father to see him with chocolate on his mouth and hands.

9. How long have Colin and Mary been together?
(a) 7 years
(b) 7 months
(c) 10 years
(d) 5 years

10. What does Colin tell Caroline is the only downside to his and Mary's visit to Venice?
(a) They do not enjoy the hotel they are staying in.
(b) They cannot find a restaurant they enjoy eating at.
(c) They keep getting lost.
(d) They find the weather oppressive.

11. Where is Robert's wife originally from?
(a) Canada
(b) The United States
(c) London
(d) Paris

12. What do Mary and Colin discover after they make love one evening?
(a) All of the restaurants in the area are closed.
(b) They no longer love each other.
(c) Mary has become pregnant.
(d) They are being watched by a stranger.

13. Which of the following is NOT an item in Robert's gallery?
(a) A large dining table
(b) Portraits
(c) A statue of his father
(d) Straight razors and a shaving bowl

14. What causes Mary and Colin to begin telling Robert about themselves?
(a) Drinking wine
(b) The atmosphere in the bar
(c) Robert's prying questions
(d) Robert's warm demeanor

15. Which of the following is NOT a location that Mary and Colin visit during this chapter?
(a) A sidewalk cafe
(b) Their hotel
(c) The quay
(d) The hospital

Short Answer Questions

1. What information about Robert does Caroline share with Mary that surprises her?

2. How do Robert's sisters attempt to embarrass him in front of Caroline?

3. Why does Caroline have difficulty moving around the house?

4. What question does Robert ask Mary and Colin when he first meets them?

5. What is notable about Caroline's demeanor when she invites Mary and Colin to dine with her and Robert?

(see the answer keys)

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