The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In a late-night conversation, Brown and Jones talk about their official jobs titles, which are vague. What does this tell the reader about their relationship?

2. At the embassy, Brown meets Doctor Philipot's nephew. Who is this man?

3. Why do Brown and Jones meet under embarrassing circumstances?

4. What is Doctor Magiot's opinion of American aid to Haiti?

5. How much Latin does Brown remember from his early education?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the purpose of the night of entertainment aboard the ship, in Part 1, Chapter 1?

2. When Brown reaches the hotel, Joseph answers his call timidly, and with a bowed head tells him the story of Doctor Philipot. What does this tell the reader about Joseph's character?

3. What is the significance of Martha and Brown choosing to meet by the Columbus statue? Is there humor or irony in the choice?

4. When Captain Concasseur returns to Haiti, his single goal is to catch Jones. How is this fitting to Jones's character? What about to the character of Haitian politics?

5. On the way to the hotel immediately after his arrival in Haiti, Brown and Martha are stopped at a roadblock and searched. What is the purpose of telling this scene?

6. Brown spends approximately one day in the Dominican Republic as he tries to get money and an exit visa. How does this country differ from Haiti? What changes does Brown note in the people, attitudes, buildings, and scenery?

7. In Part 1, Chapter 5, Brown notes that he cannot remember Martha's voice, though he can picture her handwriting. What clue does this give the reader about their relationship?

8. After visiting Martha and her husband at the embassy, what drives Brown to Mere Catherine's? Is he satisfied there?

9. When Angel has the mumps, Brown visits him at Martha's insistence, and this is the only time the two people interact for any length of time. What is the effect of this meeting? How is Angel portrayed?

10. In Part 1, Chapter 3, why does Brown tell the story of his lost virginity? How does his youthful past tie into his present relationship?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Jones claims that there is no place for him outside Haiti. How is this statement also true of Brown? What characteristics does Brown possess that enable him to maneuver the intricacies of Haitian politics? It may be helpful to contrast him to Mr. Smith, who has no understanding of the workings of Haitian government and life.

Essay Topic 2

In Chapter Two of the first section, Brown notes that the ambassador is proud of what he owns, yet in the case of his wife he is perhaps willing to share. Examine the ambassador's character in comparison to this statement. Why, in light of the Haitian culture that the author explains, is possession so important? What does this say about the ambassador's marriage?

Essay Topic 3

Martha notes that when Brown loves her, she is a woman. When he is angry at her, she is a German. How is this true? Find examples throughout the book of his loving or hurting her. For example, several times in Part One, Chapter Three, he refers to her German heritage. Does he care more about her father's crimes or about hurting her? Does he have any personal connection to the Nazi crimes?

(see the answer keys)

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