The Comedians Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After visiting Duvalierville, what does Mr. Smith think about the vegetarian center?
(a) He will need much more money than he had anticipated.
(b) The project is hopeless and he will leave the country right away.
(c) Perhaps he should not pursue the project.
(d) He should begin building immediately.

2. In Chapter 1 of Part 2, when Brown takes Mr. Smith to the post office, what happens?
(a) Mr. Smith is mobbed by five beggars.
(b) They are questioned about their errand by a Tonton Macoute.
(c) Mr. Smith get in an argument with a one-legged man.
(d) Mr. Smith exits by the wrong door and is lost.

3. Why is it safe for Brown to leave the cemetery, but not Jones?
(a) His one-day pass is still valid.
(b) People recognize him in that area.
(c) He has an alibi with the smashed car.
(d) Being a white man, he blends into the general populace.

4. When Brown visits Jones the afternoon after the Smiths leave town, what do the two men drink?
(a) Martinis.
(b) Rum.
(c) White wine.
(d) Whiskey.

5. How do the policemen retaliate for the attack on the police station?
(a) Set fire to several businesses.
(b) Kill two men from the prison.
(c) Set fire to three houses along the wharf.
(d) Re-impose the curfew.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Jones not serve in the army in Burma like he claims?

2. In Chapter One, what is distinctive about Jones's driver, the man who ruined Joseph?

3. At the casino with Luigi, whom does Brown see from the ship?

4. While standing on the porch, what does Mrs. Smith demand from Captain Concasseur?

5. Why do Brown and Jones sleep in the cemetery until daybreak?

Short Essay Questions

1. When just before leaving Haiti, Mr. Smith scatters money in front of the post office, what does he show about himself? Has he changed since he first came to the country?

2. What is the significance of saying Doctor Philipot's coffin is filled with bricks?

3. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Smith refer several times to their experience in Nashville? Brown wonders this himself, when Mrs. Smith references that incident in order to win an argument with her husband.

4. Though Brown does not want to board the Medea for a last drink with the purser, he feels attached to the ship and the memories there. What does this say about Brown's loneliness? Is he happy alone in his hotel?

5. From even their first meeting, Brown hesitates to address Jones as "Major Jones." How does this begin to explain Jones's character? How does it prepare the reader for the revelation that Jones has never even seen a man die?

6. When Brown's car breaks down on the road, he and Jones take refuge in a cemetery until the morning. How does this fit their time in Haiti? How does it portend what is to come?

7. When Mr. Smith, Brown, and the Secretary for Social Welfare survey Duvalierville with the purpose of building a vegetarian center, the only person they see is a justice of the peace. What is the irony of this man?

8. According to Doctor Magiot in Part 2, Chapter 1, what role does Voodoo play in Haitian culture? What is its relation to Catholicism?

9. The second time Brown visits the casino, the place is drastically changed from the night he met Martha. How is it different? What does this signal about Haiti's economy?

10. When Brown picks up Jones at the British embassy to smuggle him out of the city, how has Jones's attitude changed? What motivates this?

(see the answer keys)

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