The Comedians Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For the first time during Chapter 1 of Part 2, Martha mentions her father. Why is he disgraced in Brown's eyes?
(a) He was a blacksmith.
(b) He was a Nazi guard.
(c) He was a Tonton Macoute.
(d) He was a spy.

2. Why do the Smiths decide to stay and pursue the building of the vegetarian center?
(a) They never leave a project unfinished.
(b) They are attracted by the promise of large profits.
(c) Mr. Smith is rethinking his initial perception of Duvalierville.
(d) Mrs. Smith thinks her husband was too hasty in his judgment.

3. When Brown hears footsteps outside his hotel, what weapon does he grab?
(a) A decorative sword.
(b) The coffin paperweight.
(c) A pistol.
(d) A fire iron.

4. Why does Captain Concasseur order the Tonton Macoutes to hit and kick Brown?
(a) Because they are sadistic.
(b) They intended to beat him like they had beaten Joseph.
(c) Because the captain wanted to see Brown at his feet.
(d) So that they can say he was resisting arrest.

5. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Smith decide not to build the vegetarian center?
(a) It would take too many years to finish.
(b) There are too many bureaucratic hoops to jump through.
(c) The Minister has no intention of helping them.
(d) They are weary of fighting the Haitian way of thinking.

6. When Martha comes to visit the afternoon after the Tonton Macoutes come, what do she and Brown do for the first time?
(a) Quarrel about her husband.
(b) Make love outside.
(c) Quarrel about Angel.
(d) Sleep in his bed.

7. At the casino with Luigi, whom does Brown see from the ship?
(a) The captain.
(b) Mr. Baxter.
(c) The purser.
(d) The man with the tin hat.

8. When Brown visits Jones at his rented villa for the first time, what is on the table?
(a) Maps of the local area.
(b) A pack of scattered cards.
(c) Four empty wine bottles.
(d) Blueprints and trial budgets.

9. Why do Brown and Jones sleep in the cemetery until daybreak?
(a) Haitians think only zombies are abroad at night, and they won't go there.
(b) Brown wants to be as far from the road as possible.
(c) There is no other shelter from the rain.
(d) The area is heavily populated and there is nowhere else to hide.

10. What keeps Brown awake during the all-night voodoo ceremony?
(a) The pounding of the drums.
(b) The sight of the young girls drinking.
(c) The mysterious liquor that was served.
(d) The face of young Philipot.

11. As Jones is escaping from Port-au-Prince, why are he and Brown two hours late for their rendezvous?
(a) Jones drank too much whisky and fell asleep.
(b) The car broke down and they had to walk.
(c) They left Port au Prince late.
(d) Brown was in no hurry to get there.

12. Though Mr. Smith has turned his back, what happens after he gives money to the beggar?
(a) The beggar buries it in a shallow hole in the sand.
(b) The other man steals it from him.
(c) The Secretary takes it from him.
(d) The beggar throws it back at him.

13. When Brown asks the ambassador to allow Jones to stay in his house, what is the ambassador's reaction?
(a) Relief.
(b) Hesitation.
(c) Fear.
(d) Scorn.

14. How do the policemen retaliate for the attack on the police station?
(a) Set fire to three houses along the wharf.
(b) Kill two men from the prison.
(c) Set fire to several businesses.
(d) Re-impose the curfew.

15. What does Jones forget at the hotel when he and Brown flee?
(a) His rain jacket.
(b) His briefcase.
(c) His suitcase.
(d) His cocktail case.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the priest do with the bodies which the dancers bring to him?

2. When Brown, Smith, and the Secretary for Social Welfare arrive at Duvalierville, who is the only person in sight?

3. Why is Jones proud of his expansive liquor traveling case?

4. Part 3, Chapter 1 opens with a dream that Brown has. What is this dream?

5. When Martha tells Brown that she is sleeping with Jones, what is the worst part of that statement?

(see the answer keys)

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