The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the captain want Brown to keep an eye on Jones?
(a) He thinks Jones is a gambler.
(b) He thinks Jones is a murderer.
(c) Jones has not fully paid for his passage aboard the ship.
(d) Brown does not mind spying on someone.

2. From the beginning of their relationship, who makes great demands on Martha's time?
(a) Her husband, the ambassador.
(b) Angel.
(c) Brown.
(d) Her lover, a member of the Tontons Macoute.

3. What is the one meal Jones eats in jail?
(a) Mango.
(b) Brown bread.
(c) Beans.
(d) Thin soup.

4. After staying at the Hotel Trianon for two days, what is Mrs. Smith's opinion about Joseph?
(a) He oversteps the boundaries of his servant role.
(b) He is a man of all trades.
(c) He is a very pleasant man.
(d) He is not competent for the jobs that needs doing.

5. Rather than participating in the night of entertainment, what does Mr. Fernandez do?
(a) Fails to appear at all.
(b) Bursts out laughing.
(c) Bursts into tears.
(d) Becomes seasick.

6. After many years of silence, Brown received a message from his mother. What did the message say?
(a) She had bought some property that she would like him to see.
(b) She was slowly dying.
(c) She was traveling to England and would like to see him.
(d) She would like to see him if he ever came to Haiti.

7. Whom is Brown visiting the military base near Santo Domingo?
(a) Mr. Athencourt.
(b) Mr. Wilson.
(c) Mr. Peterson.
(d) Mr. Smith.

8. When Brown returns to his hotel in Santo Domingo, what does he find on his pillow?
(a) A letter from Doctor Magiot.
(b) A note from Martha.
(c) Money from Mr. Smith
(d) A letter from Joseph.

9. How did Marcel kill himself?
(a) Jumped out a second-story window into the empty pool.
(b) Drank two bottles of rum and contracted alcohol poisoning.
(c) Slit his wrists and throat.
(d) Hung himself in the countess's bedroom.

10. When Brown surveys his desk in his study, what is missing?
(a) A letter from Martha.
(b) A picture of his mother.
(c) His cashbox and two cigars.
(d) A paper-weight that looks like a coffin.

11. Why do Brown and Jones meet under embarrassing circumstances?
(a) The steward has given them the wrong cabins.
(b) They are wearing the same shirt.
(c) Jones is bribing the steward to switch their cabins.
(d) Jones has taken some letter-writing paper without asking.

12. Where did Brown attend school as a child?
(a) The local public school.
(b) The School of the Immaculate Conception of Christ.
(c) The Schools of the Virgin Mary.
(d) The Jesuit College of the Visitation.

13. How does Jones feel about his jail cell?
(a) He barely notices it.
(b) It is unremarkable.
(c) It is merely the next step in his journey.
(d) It is horrifying.

14. Sitting by the pool on his first night home, what does Brown remember?
(a) His conversation with Mrs. Smith.
(b) Joseph's list of things that have gone wrong in his absence.
(c) The smell of Martha's perfume.
(d) The sounds of the busy tourist season.

15. Why is Brown on the military base near Santo Domingo?
(a) To apply for a catering job.
(b) To make a political connection.
(c) To visit his mother's brother.
(d) To apply for an exit visa.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Dr. Philipot not want to flee the Tontons Macoute?

2. How long does Brown stay with Philipot?

3. Where did Brown and Martha first meet each other?

4. Before Brown and Smith leave the jail, what does Jones want them to do?

5. In Part 1, Chapter 4, the charge explains what happened to his cook one night when he was supposed to be throwing a party. What happened?

(see the answer keys)

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