The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Though this occurs before the story starts, why did Brown fly to New York?
(a) To find someone to buy his hotel.
(b) To escape Martha's demands.
(c) To find someone to manage his hotel.
(d) To start life over after his mother's death.

2. Why does Angel want to meet Brown?
(a) Because Martha egged him on to meet Brown.
(b) So he is not left out from the circle of his parents' friends.
(c) Because he is jealous of Brown.
(d) Because he will ask him for chocolate biscuits.

3. On Brown's property, what does Dr. Philipot do?
(a) Cuts his wrists and throat in the pool.
(b) Verbally attacks Joseph.
(c) Hangs himself.
(d) Shoots himself through the heart.

4. Where did Brown attend school as a child?
(a) The local public school.
(b) The School of the Immaculate Conception of Christ.
(c) The Jesuit College of the Visitation.
(d) The Schools of the Virgin Mary.

5. How long does Brown stay with Philipot?
(a) Three days.
(b) A week.
(c) Twenty-four hours.
(d) Six hours.

6. What does the purser do with his "French letters"?
(a) Blows them up into balloons.
(b) Puts stamps on them so he can mail them when the ship reaches land.
(c) Shows them off to Brown.
(d) Hides them in his desk for the entire journey.

7. As Brown realizes that morning at the end of the driveway, why do the Tontons Macoute wear sunglasses?
(a) Because the government tells them to.
(b) They want to intimidate people with their staring.
(c) The sunglasses are a measure of their power.
(d) Because if they show fear, it would be the end of terror in others.

8. Four Tonton Macoutes arrive at the foot of Brown's driveway in a Cadillac. What does the leader do after drawing his gun?
(a) Smashes the windows of the hearse.
(b) Threatens Madame Philipot.
(c) Waves it in the faces of the people around him.
(d) Fires several shots into the trees.

9. In Mr. Smith's typed report for the people of Wisconsin, what is his tone?
(a) Confused.
(b) Hopeful.
(c) Sad.
(d) Despairing.

10. In a late-night conversation, Brown and Jones talk about their official jobs titles, which are vague. What does this tell the reader about their relationship?
(a) They speak the truth only when it is proven that the other one will not betray.
(b) They prefer to play games with the truth.
(c) They are not honest with each other or the Haitians.
(d) They reveal details only when they know each other better.

11. As the hearse is stranded in the road, what does Madame Philipot promise to buy for her son?
(a) Popcorn.
(b) Chocolate cookies.
(c) Vanilla ice cream.
(d) A lollipop.

12. When Brown disembarks from the Medea, why is Martha sitting in the place she used to rendezvous with him?
(a) She was meeting another man.
(b) She had nowhere else to go.
(c) Her car had broken down.
(d) She missed him.

13. Whom is Brown visiting the military base near Santo Domingo?
(a) Mr. Peterson.
(b) Mr. Wilson.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Mr. Athencourt.

14. When Brown returns to his hotel in Santo Domingo, what does he find on his pillow?
(a) A letter from Doctor Magiot.
(b) A note from Martha.
(c) Money from Mr. Smith
(d) A letter from Joseph.

15. Why is Brown not afraid to smuggle Philipot's body off his property?
(a) He had put the body in the trunk of the car.
(b) He knew he could bribe any Tonton Macoute he met.
(c) Philipot looked drunk rather than dead.
(d) It was the hour when only Tonton Macoutes and zombies moved about.

Short Answer Questions

1. As explained in Part 1, Chapter 2, how does Petit Pierre, a journalist, treat every day?

2. What is the supposed reason for Jones's arrest when he attempts to pass through customs?

3. What is Martha's opinion of Jones's relation to her family?

4. After many years of silence, Brown received a message from his mother. What did the message say?

5. After staying at the Hotel Trianon for two days, what is Mrs. Smith's opinion about Joseph?

(see the answer keys)

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