The Comedians Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2 Chapter 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrive at the hotel, what room do they stay in?
(a) Elvis Presley suite.
(b) James D'Iuvillier suite.
(c) John Barrymore suite.
(d) Harvey Mansfield suite.

2. Before Brown and Smith leave the jail, what does Jones want them to do?
(a) Arrange for better food to be brought to him.
(b) Promise to smuggle a knife in so he can escape.
(c) Say a prayer with him.
(d) Give $20 and a note to the sergeant at the door.

3. What is Brown's plan to get through the road-blocks with Jones?
(a) Hide Jones in the trunk of the car.
(b) Bribe the Tontons Macoute.
(c) Dress Jones up as a woman again.
(d) Drive during a storm.

4. How does Brown perceive his relationship to Martha, primarily?
(a) As mere amusement in his boring life.
(b) As the most important part of his life.
(c) As co-conspirators rather than lovers.
(d) As star-crossed lovers.

5. Why is Brown not afraid to smuggle Philipot's body off his property?
(a) Philipot looked drunk rather than dead.
(b) He had put the body in the trunk of the car.
(c) It was the hour when only Tonton Macoutes and zombies moved about.
(d) He knew he could bribe any Tonton Macoute he met.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lying on the ground next to his pool, Brown thinks that he and Martha are more intimate than ever before. Why is this?

2. Mrs. Smith is proud of the American ballot that shows her husband's name as a presidential candidate. What is Brown's perception of voting in Haiti?

3. From the beginning of their relationship, who makes great demands on Martha's time?

4. How does Martha explain Brown's view of the world?

5. When Brown disembarks from the Medea, why is Martha sitting in the place she used to rendezvous with him?

(see the answer key)

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