The Color Purple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color Purple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who buys the Olinka land, threatening to take everything away from the villagers?
(a) The French government.
(b) A university.
(c) A rubber company.
(d) An American farming company.

2. According to the letters, how does Nettie feel being away from Celie?
(a) All alone.
(b) Untouchable.
(c) Like she’s finally coming into her own.
(d) Like her heart is breaking.

3. What does Nettie accuse Mr. of doing on the night she tried to leave the house?
(a) Trying to rape her.
(b) Slapping her across the face.
(c) Calling the cops on her.
(d) Stealing what little savings she had left.

4. How did the reverend and his wife treat Nettie when she first arrived?
(a) They ignored her completely.
(b) The made her pay room and board, like a lodger.
(c) They welcomed her as a long lost family member.
(d) They hired her in as a maid.

5. What part of Tashi’s body is scarred in a coming-of-age ritual?
(a) Her legs.
(b) Her face.
(c) All of the answers are true.
(d) Her back.

6. Why do the Olinka people pity Nettie?
(a) Because she doesn’t have any children.
(b) Because she is unmarried.
(c) Because she is far away from her family.
(d) Because she is poorer than they are.

7. Where does Celie stab Mr. when he tries to stop her from going to Memphis with Shug?
(a) In the neck.
(b) In the leg.
(c) In the side.
(d) In the hand.

8. Who does Nettie marry?
(a) Mr.
(b) The Olinka chief.
(c) Samuel.
(d) Adam.

9. Which of Corinne’s possessions are given to Nettie after her death?
(a) Her clothing.
(b) Her photo albums of the children.
(c) Her wedding ring.
(d) Her books.

10. Why don’t the Olinka people educate their daughters?
(a) Because they believe women have other responsibilities.
(b) Because they think girls are too stupid to learn.
(c) Because education is very expensive, so it’s reserved for boys.
(d) Because the schools aren’t large enough to accommodate all the students.

11. How long does Millie let Sofia visit with her family before taking her back home?
(a) 1 hour.
(b) A weekend.
(c) The entire afternoon.
(d) 15 minutes.

12. Who does Mary Agnes ask to look after Suzy Q while she is away?
(a) Sofia.
(b) Millie.
(c) Harpo.
(d) Eleanor Jane.

13. What does Nettie first notice about the Olinka people?
(a) Their bare chests.
(b) Their white teeth.
(c) Their long dreadlocks.
(d) Their welcoming spirit.

14. For whom does Sofia work when she is released from prison?
(a) The doctor.
(b) The reverend.
(c) The butcher.
(d) The mayor.

15. What is Celie’s biggest fear when she thinks about her children?
(a) That they love Celie more than they love her.
(b) That they hate her.
(c) That they will never know the truth about her.
(d) That they will be dunces.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Celie picture God?

2. What is the highest position for a woman in the Olinka village?

3. What does Celie inherit when Pa dies?

4. How does Shug react when she learns that Celie is no longer writing letters to God?

5. What groundbreaking piece of information does Nettie reveal to Celie in one of her letters?

(see the answer keys)

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