The Color of Compromise Test | Final Test - Medium

Jemar Tisby
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color of Compromise Test | Final Test - Medium

Jemar Tisby
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the practice of blockbusting?
(a) Local residents in white communities refused to sell their homes to Black buyers.
(b) Salespeople used racial fears to persuade white buyers to sell their homes at a loss.
(c) Local organization banded together to harass Black residents who tried to move in.
(d) Salespeople charged lower prices when selling homes to Black buyers.

2. What was the impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
(a) It overturned the Fugitive Slave Clause.
(b) It nullified the Missouri Compromise.
(c) It tipped the balance of power in favor of slave states.
(d) It provided a legal argument against emancipation.

3. What did Dr. George Edmund Hayes blame for the Red Summer violence?
(a) Insufficient support from local sheriffs.
(b) Unruly behavior from Black citizens.
(c) Political corruption by local officials.
(d) Unpunished lynchings committed by white citizens.

4. What was the outcome of the Methodist General Conference of 1808?
(a) Regional congregations could not take a public position on the issue of slavery.
(b) Regional congregations were required to support slavery in every parish.
(c) Regional congregations were required to oppose slavery in every parish.
(d) Regional congreations could make their own decision on the issue of slavery.

5. What was the term for the mass movement of Black people from the South?
(a) The Great Segregation.
(b) The Great Division.
(c) The Great Exodus.
(d) The Great Migration.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the group who fought for the rights of Black people in the Reconstruction Era?

2. How did Joseph H. Jackson view Martin Luther King, Jr.'s activities during the civil rights movement?

3. What impact did the Great Depression have on Christian churches?

4. What was Muhammad Ali's real name?

5. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. see as the best prevention for riots?

Short Essay Questions

1. What prompted William J. Seymour's religious activities?

2. What happened in the Watts neighborhood of LA in 1965?

3. How did many white moderates in the 1960s believe that racism should be addressed?

4. Why did many Christian fundamentalists oppose political involvement?

5. What was one domestic outcome of Black involvement in the armed forces during World War I?

6. What was the "separate but equal" doctrine (133)?

7. How did white churches respond to "white flight' (126)?

8. Who were the Freedom Riders?

9. In Chapter 8, Tisby discusses several parts of Martin Luther King Jr.'s platform that were considered controversial among white moderate Christians. Which of his beliefs did white moderates often find objectionable?

10. In Chapter 6, Tisby discusses the "Lost Cause" narrative. How did this narrative view white Southerners living in pre-Civil War communities?

(see the answer keys)

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