The Color of Blood Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color of Blood Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the Cardinal NOT going to go, though General Vrona thought he would be?
(a) Gneisk.
(b) Gillen.
(c) Krakow.
(d) Rywald.

2. In reading Krasnoy's speech, it seems that he did know about the ______________ before it took place.
(a) Riot.
(b) Father Ley meeting.
(c) Union.
(d) Kidnapping.

3. The Cardinal noted a large number of people coming out of ________, which must have been the 7:30 mass.
(a) Santa Maria.
(b) Santa Teresa.
(c) Santa Sabina.
(d) Santa Rosa.

4. A traveling _________ sharpener and his girlfriend picked up the Cardinal as he was standing on the side of the road.
(a) Wood.
(b) Knife.
(c) Sword.
(d) Pencil.

5. How does the Cardinal promise to the General that he will tell the lie about what happened with the government?
(a) Written statement.
(b) He lets an aide know.
(c) He doesn't.
(d) He gives his word.

Short Answer Questions

1. ___________ have been handing out pamphlets about an announcement during the time of Rywald.

2. What does the Cardinal think of the man who tried to assassinate him the other night?

3. The Security Police surrounded the Cardinal's car as though they were an official ______________.

4. Where does the Cardinal believe Father Ley is waiting for him so that they can talk?

5. Which driver does Cardinal Bem insist on having by his side for the journey?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the Prime Minister think about the Cardinal's involvement in the terrorist attack?

2. What happens when Cardinal Bem and Janik, Peter Jop's brother-in-law, are driving to Gniesk?

3. Who is the Waldemar Keller person that Archbishop Krasnoy and Bishop John admit to working with?

4. What makes Colonel Vrona agree to the new plan of the Cardinal's when the Cardinal insists?

5. What does Cardinal Bem insist on doing on the way to Gneisk, even though he has other options?

6. What does the Archbishop's speech say has sparked his call to the faithful?

7. What does the Cardinal see at the police station when he arrives with Janik?

8. What does Peter Jop reveal the Cardinal Bem about the strike they are supposed to have?

9. How does Cardinal Bem begin to experience his own personal version of hell?

10. What are the bishops supposed to be doing at the residences of the archiepiscopal?

(see the answer keys)

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