The Color of Blood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color of Blood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Cardinal was then taken the the old Borodin ______, not to a factory as the Cardinal had assumed he was taken.
(a) Church.
(b) Home.
(c) Mine.
(d) Castle.

2. While the Borodin location is now closed, the Cardinal finds out there is now talk of making it a _____________.
(a) Museum.
(b) School.
(c) Church.
(d) Training facility.

3. The roadblocks were put up to catch some thieves who stole government ___________ two nights before.
(a) Books.
(b) Guards.
(c) Cars.
(d) Uniforms.

4. A traveling _________ sharpener and his girlfriend picked up the Cardinal as he was standing on the side of the road.
(a) Pencil.
(b) Knife.
(c) Wood.
(d) Sword.

5. What number was Cardinal Bem given when he was sitting and waiting to see Father Ley in the VD clinic?
(a) 20.
(b) 17.
(c) 18.
(d) 7.

6. What is the new name on the identification card for Cardinal Bem? Stanislaus ____________.
(a) Stone.
(b) Ley.
(c) Wick.
(d) Transtoy.

7. Which driver does Cardinal Bem insist on having by his side for the journey?
(a) Father Ley.
(b) Janik.
(c) No one. He wants to drive himself.
(d) Father Malik.

8. At the intersection of New _______ Avenue and the Gallin Highway, the old van turned off down a winding side road that led to the river.
(a) World.
(b) Peace.
(c) Faith.
(d) Church.

9. Janik was the new driver and he wears a leather _____________ cap of the WWI vintage, according to the story.
(a) Clergy.
(b) Pope.
(c) Aviator's.
(d) Shipman's.

10. Janik informs Cardinal Bem that the army is usually looking for stolen _____________ when they are out on patrol.
(a) Books.
(b) Cardinals.
(c) Vehicles.
(d) Coal.

11. What was Jan Ley doing in the hospital bed when Cardinal Bem came to see him?
(a) Getting dialysis.
(b) Reading.
(c) Getting ready for an operation.
(d) Giving blood.

12. Why were Janik and the Cardinal having an awkward time moving along the tarmac?
(a) They weren't.
(b) A heavy load on their backs.
(c) Chains.
(d) Drugs.

13. The Cardinal and Janik are left in a cell for the night as they can't call the _____________ until the morning.
(a) Minister.
(b) Church.
(c) Depot.
(d) Dock.

14. What did the Cardinal buy with the change he had left after buying his bus ticket to go to a new city?
(a) Candy.
(b) A piece of meat.
(c) A roll.
(d) A sausage.

15. What did the man in the operating gown offer to Cardinal Bem when his name was first called?
(a) A shave.
(b) Cologne.
(c) Food.
(d) A bath.

Short Answer Questions

1. In reading Krasnoy's speech, it seems that he did know about the ______________ before it took place.

2. The Cardinal tells his dresser put the bank notes he received from the Prime Minister in the ___________ fund.

3. State Television informs the Cardinal that he may make a ______________ broadcast to his people.

4. ___________ have been handing out pamphlets about an announcement during the time of Rywald.

5. The Cardinal tells Father Malik he believes people are using religion now as a sort of _____________.

(see the answer keys)

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