The Collected Stories of Grace Paley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Collected Stories of Grace Paley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Anxiety," why does the narrator yell at a young father as he walks his child home from school?
(a) He was not paying enough attention to the child.
(b) He did not carry the girl's backpack for her.
(c) He did not hold the child's hand crossing the street.
(d) He slammed the child down in anger.

2. What does Lavinia's mother ask Robert at the start of "Lavinia: An Old Story"?
(a) What type of worker he is.
(b) How much money he makes.
(c) How many children he wants.
(d) If he has ever cheated on someone.

3. Where do the American tourists visit in "Somewhere Else"?
(a) China.
(b) France.
(c) Poland.
(d) Russia.

4. Why did Faith and Margaret's friendship end in "Love"?
(a) Margaret moved far away.
(b) Margaret did not like Faith's children.
(c) Political Differences separated them.
(d) Margaret slept with Faith's husband.

5. Who is Philip's ex-wife in "Dreamer in a Dead Language"?
(a) Anita Franklin.
(b) Dolly Raftery.
(c) Dotty Wasserman.
(d) Cynthia Darwin.

6. What does the man worry about in "The Burdened Man" ?
(a) Death.
(b) His wife.
(c) Money.
(d) His children.

7. Why are Faith and her friends visiting Selena in "Friends"?
(a) It is her birthday.
(b) She just got divorced.
(c) She just had a baby.
(d) She is dying.

8. Why did Lavinia's mother pull her kids from school?
(a) So they could work after their father died.
(b) Because she felt they were not treated fairly by their teachers.
(c) So they could work after their father quit his job.
(d) Because she wanted to home school them.

9. What are Samuel and his friends doing at the start of "Samuel"?
(a) Playing poker on the platform between subway cars.
(b) Jumping subway turnstiles.
(c) Jumping on the platform between subway cars.
(d) Begging for money on the subway.

10. What reminds the narrator of her mother standing in the doorway at the start of "Mother"?
(a) A song.
(b) The sight of her old house.
(c) A woman who looks like her.
(d) A smell.

11. What had Lavinia's mother planned to do for work before she got married?
(a) She wanted to become a seamstress.
(b) She wanted to become a doctor.
(c) She wanted to become a nurse.
(d) She wanted to become a teacher.

12. What did the narrator's aunt say her grandmother had to do to her 17-year-old son?
(a) Pick his dead body up from the street.
(b) Make him work two jobs to support the family.
(c) Beat him for badmouthing his father.
(d) Force him to go to college.

13. What happens to the woman after her uterine transplant in "At That Time, or the History of a Joke"?
(a) She becomes pregnant.
(b) She dies.
(c) She receives a hefty financial settlement from the hospital.
(d) She develops tumors in her uterus.

14. How old is Faith when she takes up running in "The Long-Distance Runner"?
(a) 42.
(b) 56.
(c) 18.
(d) 26.

15. What does Dennis say he does "to keep on top of the world of illusion" (209)?
(a) Watches television.
(b) Goes to school.
(c) Drives a cab.
(d) Reads the newspaper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Faith's father tell her that he and her ex, Ricardo, have been discussing?

2. What does the father tell the old woman he feels his daughter was doing, which was never his "thing" (321)?

3. Where are the friends Anthony visits in "Long-Distance Runner"?

4. Who is the father of Cissy's child?

5. In "The Burdened Man," what does the man do after spending a few days in the hospital after being shot?

(see the answer keys)

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