The Collected Stories of Colette Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Collected Stories of Colette Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the wife of the man in "The Other Wife" wonder?
(a) Why he wants a mistress.
(b) Why he is secretly engaged.
(c) Why he was a polygamist.
(d) Why his ex wife left him.

2. What is the woman in "In the Flower of Age" find disappointing in the man she is dating?
(a) He starts seeing another woman.
(b) He starts to act old.
(c) He wants to go out too often.
(d) He dresses poorly.

3. How does Colette describe the feelings of the man in "The Hidden Woman" during the night?
(a) He is cold.
(b) He is nervous.
(c) He is calm.
(d) He is patient.

4. What advice does the man in "The Advice" give to the young man?
(a) To try to win his love back.
(b) To join the army.
(c) To go back home.
(d) To go for a walk.

5. What does the man in "The Murderer" go back to repeatedly?
(a) His house.
(b) The scene of the crime.
(c) His favorite restaurant.
(d) His parents.

6. Who is Armande's love talking to at the start of "Armande"?
(a) His cousin.
(b) His sister.
(c) His brother.
(d) His mother.

7. What does Mardame Arnaud try to do?
(a) Take a lover.
(b) Impress Colette with her writing skills.
(c) Kill her husband.
(d) Kill herself.

8. What is Armande's love convinced of in "Armande"?
(a) That Armande wants to marry.
(b) That Armande has a lover.
(c) That Armande does not love him.
(d) That Armande would be a poor wife.

9. What happens to Colette and Valentine in "One Evening"?
(a) Their waiter drop soups on them.
(b) Their horse dies.
(c) Their dogs run away.
(d) Their car breaks down.

10. Who does the man in "The Murderer" kill?
(a) His father.
(b) A policeman.
(c) His mistress.
(d) His wife.

11. Who does the man in "The Burglar" try to rob?
(a) A young woman.
(b) An older woman.
(c) An older man.
(d) A young couple.

12. What does the man use as bandages in "The Rendezvous"?
(a) A coat.
(b) A dress.
(c) A shirt.
(d) A pair of pants.

13. What is the name of the singer Antoinette and her rival fight for?
(a) Mozu.
(b) Roberto.
(c) Bussy.
(d) Johan.

14. Where does the man in "The Hidden Woman" want his wife to go to?
(a) A restaurant.
(b) A masked ball.
(c) A horse course.
(d) A theater.

15. Where does Colette try to convince her friend to spend time at in "The Tender Shoot"?
(a) A house full of soldiers.
(b) A house full of Germans.
(c) A house full of old women.
(d) A house full of young girls.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the two couples of "The Rendezvous" going to?

2. What does the fox of the man try to do in "The Fox"?

3. Who is the young man in "The Advice" trying to leave?

4. Who is the man in "Bella-Vista" hated by?

5. How old was the man in "The Tender Shoot" when he had his one romance?

(see the answer keys)

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