The Coldest Winter Ever Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Coldest Winter Ever Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What hotel does Winter take a cab to at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Marriott in New Jersey.
(b) Hyatt in Manhattan.
(c) Hyatt in New Jersey.
(d) Plaza in Manhattan.

2. Bullet loves Winter because she is _______.
(a) Intelligent.
(b) Classy.
(c) Available.
(d) Rich.

3. Who is the first hip-hop artist Winter meets at Sister Souljah's house?
(a) Puff Daddy.
(b) GS.
(c) Will Smith.
(d) LL Cool J.

4. What does Bullet try to teach Winter while they are in Florida?
(a) Fishing.
(b) Bank robbing.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Crack making.

5. Winter says she is in prison for _____________.
(a) Love.
(b) An education.
(c) A mistake.
(d) A bad attitude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Winter call the shoes that Sister Souljah is wearing?

2. Where did Sister Souljah first see Midnight?

3. Where does Winter discover that Midnight is living in Chapter 16?

4. How old is Winter when she attends her mother's funeral?

5. Sister Souljah refers to her sister Lauren as a ____________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the house rules at Sister Souljah's?

2. What happens when Winter and Lauren go to a private party hoping to find GS in Chapter 15?

3. Why does Winter decide to get an abortion?

4. How does Winter steal $7000 from Sister Souljah and then get away?

5. What does Sister Souljah tell the women at Riker's Island, and what effect does it have on Winter?

6. What is Winter's plan to find Midnight after she discovers his whereabouts in his letters to Sister Souljah?

7. How does Bullet describe how Santiaga ended up in prison to Winter?

8. How does Winter discover that she did not spend the night with GS?

9. Why does Bullet want to make Winter his girl?

10. What is Winter's life like with Bullet?

(see the answer keys)

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