The Clockmaker's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

Kate Morton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Clockmaker's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

Kate Morton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 2, Chapter 26, what did Lucy use to hit Martin with?
(a) Walking stick.
(b) Fire poker.
(c) Bat.
(d) Rifle.

2. In Part 2, Chapter 22, how old was Jack's brother when he died?
(a) 12.
(b) 9.
(c) 11.
(d) 10.

3. In Part 2, VIII, who drowned the day that Ada fell into the river?
(a) Rachel Watkins.
(b) Maggie Philipps.
(c) May Hawkins.
(d) Charlotte Rogers.

4. At the end of Part 3, X, what did Birdie remember?
(a) Being a baby watching circles of light on the ceiling.
(b) Riding in a boat with her father.
(c) Picking flowers with her father.
(d) Being a little girl with her mother.

5. In Part 2, Chapter 24, how old was Lucy in 1862?
(a) 14.
(b) 13.
(c) 12.
(d) 15.

6. In Part 2, Chapter 26, who told Fanny where to find Edward?
(a) Thurston.
(b) Clare.
(c) Adele.
(d) Felix.

7. In Part 3, Chapter 27, what season was it when Lucy inherited Birchwood Manor?
(a) Fall.
(b) Winter.
(c) Spring.
(d) Summer.

8. In Part 3, X, what did Birdie remember dropping in the river when she and her mother were together?
(a) Locket.
(b) Ribbon.
(c) Sock.
(d) Shoe.

9. In Part 2, IX, when does Birdie most miss Edward?
(a) Moonlit nights.
(b) Sunny days.
(c) Stormy nights.
(d) Cloudy mornings.

10. In Part 3, Chapter 27, where did Edward die?
(a) Spain.
(b) Italy.
(c) Portugal.
(d) France.

11. In Part 2, Chapter 22, what was the name of Jack's brother?
(a) Dave.
(b) Pete.
(c) Bob.
(d) Ben.

12. In Part 2, VIII, when did Edward's second painting of Birdie, Sleeping Beauty, exhibit?
(a) April 1862.
(b) March 1862.
(c) June 1862.
(d) May 1862.

13. In Part 2, VII, who came with Edward when he visited Birdie at Mrs. Mack's?
(a) His mother.
(b) His sister.
(c) An uncle.
(d) His father.

14. In Part 2, Chapter 19, what type of dog was on the train when Alan and Juliet took it for their honeymoon?
(a) West Highland terrier.
(b) Charles Spaniel.
(c) Pug.
(d) Boxer.

15. In Part 2, VII, what was the only thing that disturbed Edward and Birdie when he was painting her?
(a) A maid with sandwiches.
(b) His mother with a light lunch.
(c) Lucy.
(d) A hot teapot.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 2, VIII, what does Jack bring for Elodie to drink when she cannot get a tour of Birchwood Manor?

2. In Part 2, VIII, what volunteer refuses to allow Elodie on a tour of the house?

3. In Part 2, Chapter 19, what color canalboat did Juliet see when she and her children went to the river?

4. In Part 2, Chapter 18, what color was Tip's hair?

5. In Part 2, VIII, what does Elodie say was the name of her grandmother?

(see the answer keys)

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