The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anatoli Boukreev
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anatoli Boukreev
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What ailed Beidleman in Chapter 7, Base Camp?
(a) A persistant headache.
(b) Sprained ankle.
(c) Stomach pains.
(d) A cough.

2. What change of plans did Fischer make leaving Kathmandu?
(a) To fly directly to Syangboche.
(b) To trek into Base Camp.
(c) Not to bring the oxygen.
(d) To fly directly to Lukla.

3. What company did Boukreev guide for?
(a) Mountain Madness.
(b) Adventure Consultants.
(c) Himalayan Guides.
(d) Extreme Sports.

4. What was Jane Bromet's role for Mountain Madness?
(a) Publicity agent.
(b) Geologist.
(c) CEO.
(d) Scientist.

5. What was Boukreev's advice to Adams?
(a) Descend to the forest level.
(b) Give up on a Summit bid.
(c) Spend an extra day at Base Camp.
(d) Ascend to Camp II.

6. Where did Boukreev want to get his supplies from?
(a) Russia.
(b) England.
(c) France.
(d) Switzerland.

7. What dangerous mountain is the book about?
(a) Mt. Hood.
(b) Mt. Lassen.
(c) K2.
(d) Mt. Everest.

8. Who greeted Boukreev on his descent at Camp II?
(a) Nobody was left at the camp.
(b) Beidleman.
(c) The cook.
(d) Fischer.

9. How long did Boukreev allow for his trek to base camp?
(a) 14 days.
(b) 7 days.
(c) 5 days.
(d) 12 days.

10. What percentage of the clients did Beidleman believe would succeed?
(a) Two thirds.
(b) One hundred percent.
(c) One quarter.
(d) Half.

11. At base camp, how did Adventure Consultants mark their territory?
(a) They made a circle of tents.
(b) They put up caution tape around their tents.
(c) They used New Zealand flags to make a border.
(d) They painted NZ on rocks.

12. How was Sandy Hill Pittman described?
(a) An experienced climber.
(b) A spoiled brat.
(c) An Olympic athlete.
(d) A wealthy socialite.

13. Before the Everest climb, what was Boukreev's reaction to Fischer asking him to secure clients for another climb after Everest?
(a) Solemn.
(b) Angry.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Dissapointed.

14. Before flying to Syangboche, what did Boukreev do?
(a) Got food poisoning.
(b) Socialized with friends.
(c) Read the guiding report.
(d) Prepared plans for the climb.

15. What was Bourkeev's role in the book?
(a) Geologist.
(b) Salesman.
(c) Sherpa.
(d) Summitt guide.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Karen Dickinson's job at Mountain Madness?

2. What were the ages of Ngima and Lopsang?

3. What outdoor sport did Klev participate in?

4. How did Fischer describe Boukreev?

5. What was the first priority once the team reached Base Camp?

(see the answer keys)

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