The Classic Slave Narratives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Classic Slave Narratives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Prince finally escapes Mr. D-----'s service by accompanying Mr. Wood to which location?
(a) Antigua.
(b) Bermuda.
(c) Bahamas.
(d) Puerto Rico.

2. When speaking with Mr. G, Vassa says he thinks he does well with how many of the Ten Commandments?
(a) 10.
(b) 8.
(c) 5.
(d) 2.

3. When Prince's master wishes to remarry, he sells Prince and how many of her siblings to raise money for his wedding?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 6.
(d) 3.

4. Which of the following chores does Prince find horribly painful during her time in England with the Woods family?
(a) Farm duties.
(b) House cleaning.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Laundry.

5. Vassa argues toward the end of his narrative that Africa will produce opportunities in all BUT WHICH of the following areas?
(a) Enterprise.
(b) Mining.
(c) Industry.
(d) Manufacturing.

6. What religion does Vassa's master in Montserrat practice?
(a) Catholic.
(b) Methodist.
(c) Amish.
(d) Quaker.

7. In what year does Vassa petition the Queen of England to end African slavery?
(a) 1802.
(b) 1788.
(c) 1828.
(d) 1754.

8. At the beginning of his narrative, Vassa informs readers that he was born in which African province?
(a) Abyssinia.
(b) Essaka.
(c) Benin.
(d) Embrenche.

9. According to Prince, one of Mr. D----'s slaves steals a bit of rice and eats it for dinner. What is the name of this slave?
(a) Ben.
(b) William.
(c) James.
(d) Daniel.

10. After attending the Moravian church, Prince meets the man who will be her husband. What is his name?
(a) Daniel.
(b) Harry.
(c) Henry.
(d) Ben.

11. Vassa receives a letter of recommendation from which individual in Chapter 9?
(a) Mr. Long.
(b) Mr. Doyle.
(c) Mr. King.
(d) Mr. Read.

12. During her time in Bermuda, Prince reports that Mr. D-------- frequently abuses not only his slaves but also which of the following relatives?
(a) Mother.
(b) Wife.
(c) Sister.
(d) Daughter.

13. What is the name of the man who shares his food rations with Prince on the voyage to Turk's Island?
(a) James.
(b) Levi.
(c) William.
(d) Anthony.

14. Upon attending church for Christmas with the Woods family, Prince meets a ranger who feels guilty for the way he has treated fellow slaves. What is the ranger's name?
(a) Harry.
(b) Daniel.
(c) Ben.
(d) Henry.

15. Which of the following ladies does NOT teach at the Moravian church Prince visits during her time with the Woods family?
(a) Mrs. Curtin.
(b) Mrs. Richter.
(c) Mrs. Olufsen.
(d) Mrs. Sauter.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 11, where does Dr. Irving tell Vassa he wishes to start a plantation?

2. What nickname does Vassa earn after his master dies on board the ship?

3. How old is Prince when her owner is forced to hire her out to Mrs. Pruden?

4. Which of the following individuals marries Prince and her husband around Christmas of 1826?

5. What is the name of Vassa's friend who teaches him to shave and read?

(see the answer keys)

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