The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Tristan immediately asks if Nicolas will ___________ outright, though Nicolas tells him to consider what he is saying.
(a) Leave with him.
(b) Buy him.
(c) Free him.
(d) Commit to him.

2. Nicolas tells Beauty that she will return to her regular __________ once she leaves the room after seeing Tristan.
(a) Mistress.
(b) Servitude.
(c) Chores.
(d) Schedule.

3. The Master was wearing a doublet of __________ velvet with fancy balloon sleeves and looked like a Prince.
(a) Plum.
(b) Apricot.
(c) Blue.
(d) Orange.

4. What does Mistress Lockley say that the soldiers liked on Beauty when they had their way with her?
(a) Breasts.
(b) Arms.
(c) Legs.
(d) Hair.

5. Prince Richard allowed Beauty to _________ a little slowly, though he eventually told her to perk up lest they be whipped.
(a) Eat.
(b) Run.
(c) March.
(d) Bathe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Richard wants to take what off of the Mistress when he is taken with Beauty up to her bedroom?

2. The words that Jerard shares with Tristan unnerve him, but at the same time, he realizes that he also ____________ what he is saying.

3. What does Tristan do as he is taking the Princess as his Mistress commands him to do?

4. Nicolas kisses Tristan's ___________ quickly as he is in line with the other ponies.

5. What does Nicolas bring to the bed where he and Tristan will be lying down?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mistress Lockley handle Tristan when he is brought to the inn by Nicolas?

2. Why can't the slaves and other people get into the buildings of the village as the chaos breaks out?

3. What does the tightness of the harness do to Tristan as he is prepared for the daily activities?

4. How does Nicolas surprise Tristan when he returns to the bedchamber?

5. Who does the Mistress take into bed with her after the work is done for the day?

6. What does the Mistress Lockley want Tristan to do and she pays ten pence so that it can happen?

7. What is happening to Tristan as he is instructed to wash each of the slave's genitals with his tongue?

8. What does Tristan realize when Nicolas is sleeping after their conversation together?

9. What does Beauty do when she first sees Nicolas as she is led into his bedchamber by Prince Richard?

10. What does Nicolas do as he passes Tristan in the courtyard, though none of the other slaves seems to notice?

(see the answer keys)

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