The City We Became Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

N. K. Jemisin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City We Became Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

N. K. Jemisin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Prologue speaker's profession?
(a) School teacher.
(b) FBI agent.
(c) Graffiti artist.
(d) Trash collector.

2. What does the voice in Manny's head scream when he is in Penn Station?
(a) Help me, somebody please help me!
(b) You'll never defeat me, no matter what you do!
(c) This city is mine, get out!
(d) I know who you are!

3. How does Manny and Bel’s savior in Inwood Hill Park defeat the ick?
(a) By playing Grandmaster Flash.
(b) By playing Bach.
(c) By playing Debussy.
(d) By playing hopscotch.

4. In Chapter 1, what street is Manny trying to get to?
(a) JFK Boulevard.
(b) FDR Drive.
(c) Lincoln Avenue.
(d) Wall Street.

5. Who does the woman in the Park think Bel is?
(a) Brooklyn.
(b) Sao Paulo.
(c) The mayor.
(d) The Primary.

6. What kind of novels does Aislyn read?
(a) Science Fiction.
(b) Romance.
(c) Westerns.
(d) Horror.

7. What historical event supposedly occurred in Inwood Hill park?
(a) Signing of the Declaration of Independence.
(b) Purchase of Manhattan from the Indians.
(c) First battle of the Revolutionary War.
(d) First U.S. Open tennis tournament.

8. What does Manny use to defeat the Ick?
(a) A walking stick.
(b) A pistol
(c) An umbrella.
(d) A sword.

9. What is Manny's full name?
(a) Manhattan.
(b) Manfred.
(c) Mandolin.
(d) Joe.

10. What does Manny realize after he has defeated the ick in Chapter 1?
(a) He no longer has amnesia.
(b) He did not need to fight the Ick.
(c) He is the city of New York.
(d) He is the city of Manhattan.

11. Before hailing a cab in Chapter 1, how does Manny plan to travel?
(a) By flying.
(b) By limo.
(c) By bike.
(d) On foot.

12. What is wrong with Manny when the novel begins?
(a) He is hungry.
(b) He has lost his daughter.
(c) He has a broken heart.
(d) He has amnesia.

13. Who does Bel recognize Brooklyn is?
(a) MC Free.
(b) MC Fresh.
(c) MC Holdup.
(d) MC MC.

14. Where is Manny’s apartment?
(a) Broadway.
(b) Forest Hills.
(c) Lester Avenue.
(d) Inwood.

15. Besides remnants of the battle, what does he find during the Interruption?
(a) A lost border collie.
(b) A coven of witches.
(c) A group of people, all in white.
(d) A couple kissing on a park bench.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aislyn’s father do for a living?

2. What is Brooklyn's last name?

3. When Manny and Bel are threatened in Inwood Hill Park, what color does the woman who threatens them wear?

4. At Penn Station, Manny feels pain left over from what?

5. The cab that takes Manny in Chapter 1 is mostly used for what?

(see the answer keys)

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