The City Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard T. LeGates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard T. LeGates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Richard LeGates describes the process of studying cities as what in "How to Study Cities"?
(a) Never-ending.
(b) Complicated.
(c) Enlightening.
(d) Tedious.

2. Who was a Moroccan Berber Islamic scholar and traveller who is known for the account of his travels and excursions called the Rihla?
(a) Bernal Diaz.
(b) Ibn Battuta.
(c) H.D.F. Kitto.
(d) Henri Pirenne.

3. When was author and theorist Albrecht Dürer born?
(a) 1470.
(b) 1471.
(c) 1475.
(d) 1467.

4. When was "The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety" first published?
(a) 1959.
(b) 1957.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1961.

5. Urban sociologists tend to study the sociology of cities using what kind of methods, according to LeGate in "How to Study Cities"?
(a) Qualitative.
(b) Industrial.
(c) Quantitative.
(d) Political.

6. Who wrote "The Drive-In Culture of Contemporary America"?
(a) Ibn Battuta.
(b) Kenneth T. Jackson.
(c) Henri Pirenne.
(d) W.E.B. Dubois.

7. What is the first of the five elements that are common to cities described in "The City Image and Its Elements"?
(a) Emergency services.
(b) Paths.
(c) Homes.
(d) Businesses.

8. Who does LeGate write developed a "broken window" theory and community policing ideas in "How to Study Cities"?
(a) George L. Kelling and William Julius Wilson.
(b) Michael Porter and William Julius Wilson.
(c) James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling.
(d) Michael Porter and James Q. Wilson.

9. What refers to the boundaries of the city in "The City Image and Its Elements"?
(a) Limits.
(b) Imaginary.
(c) Walls.
(d) Edges.

10. What refers to reference points that have a clear form, contrast with their background, and have prominent locations in "The City Image and Its Elements"?
(a) Boundaries.
(b) Landmarks.
(c) Monuments.
(d) Statues.

11. According to Ernest W. Burgess what is central to the expansion of cities?
(a) The mayor's office.
(b) Wealth.
(c) Decentralization.
(d) Culture.

12. The editors write in the Introduction from the Editors that their students have asked for the past how many years what the best writings in urban development are?
(a) 42.
(b) 35.
(c) 28.
(d) 37.

13. The author of "The Polis" writes that the term polis refers to more of a what than the current "city"?
(a) Dictatorial state.
(b) Mosaic-state.
(c) Peace state.
(d) Autocratic state.

14. V. Gordon Childe discusses the evolution of cities in Spain, Britain, and Germany during what period in "The Urban Revolution"?
(a) 1400 B.C.
(b) 1500 B.C.
(c) 1300 B.C.
(d) 1500 A.D.

15. What city's civilization does V. Gordon Childe describe from 3000-2000 B.C. in "The Urban Revolution"?
(a) Crete.
(b) Rome.
(c) Beijing.
(d) London.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the Second Edition of The City Reader published in an expanded version?

2. What research method involves the analysis of statistical data?

3. In "How to Study Cities," LeGates writes that the borderlines between the objects of study, methods, theory and work product of different disciplines are what?

4. When did Friedrich Engels produce The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx?

5. When was "The Great Towns" first published?

(see the answer keys)

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