The City of Gold and Lead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City of Gold and Lead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Will's master go into a rage?
(a) He slipped on some water.
(b) He used too many gas bubbles.
(c) Will doesn't have the house clean.
(d) Will said no to him.

2. Why is Beanpole struggling with some of this matches?
(a) He is having a difficult time concentrating.
(b) His shorts keep slipping down.
(c) He is not struggling he is winning handily.
(d) He has sprained his ankle.

3. How does Fritz do as the games continue?
(a) He is way out in front.
(b) He is in the middle of the field.
(c) He is very close to first.
(d) He is a distant second.

4. What does Will do when he is out in the city?
(a) Try to commit everything to memory.
(b) Try to figure out where the river goes.
(c) Try to see Fritz.
(d) Try to find a central weak spot.

5. What concerns Beanpole about his loss?
(a) That Julius will be upset.
(b) That Will won't like him anymore.
(c) That he did it unconsciously out of fear.
(d) That he will be killed.

6. What causes Will and Fritz a moment of panic while they are walking?
(a) The lights going dark for a moment.
(b) Fritz falling down from being ill.
(c) Hearing police sirens.
(d) Running into another master.

7. Where do Fritz and Will think the best place to leave the city might be?
(a) During one of the sporting events.
(b) Hidden in a Tripod.
(c) The river outflow.
(d) The east city gate.

8. What covers the city of the Tripods?
(a) A gold dome.
(b) A red light.
(c) A gray fog.
(d) A glass dome.

9. Who greets the athletes when they are directed into a room?
(a) An alien.
(b) A voice from a loud speaker.
(c) Two women in white gowns.
(d) A human instructor.

10. What does the location of Will's master's home suggest?
(a) He is of moderate means.
(b) He is very poor.
(c) He is very wealthy.
(d) He is moderately poor.

11. Why is Beanpole frustrated with his matches?
(a) He is completely out of the competition.
(b) He is over shadowed by this other tall boy.
(c) He makes easy mistakes.
(d) He loses all of them.

12. What shape is the car in which Will goes to his master's house?
(a) Bullet.
(b) Pyramid.
(c) Square.
(d) Rectangular.

13. About what does Will's master ask Will?
(a) About Will's early life.
(b) Why humans allow the aliens to oppress them.
(c) How television works.
(d) Human behavior.

14. What does Will's master do when he gets into a rage?
(a) Breaks Will's arm.
(b) Beats Will.
(c) Almost drowns Will.
(d) Throws Will outside without a mask.

15. What is the place where slaves go who are too sick to work?
(a) Place of Peaceful Repose.
(b) Place of Ending.
(c) The Next Life Place.
(d) Place of Happy Release.

Short Answer Questions

1. How far up is Will's master's home?

2. What do Will and Beanpole have to do before they can move into the competitors' sleeping quarters?

3. What happens to the competition as the games continue?

4. What does Will do when left in his room?

5. What does Will discover when he returns home after a long errand for his master?

(see the answer keys)

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