The City of Gold and Lead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The City of Gold and Lead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the man wake the boys the next morning?
(a) Very early.
(b) They sleep until noon.
(c) He wakes them up at 8 A.M.
(d) He waits for them to wake.

2. Why is the man on the island not capped?
(a) He works for the Tripods.
(b) He is from another country.
(c) He has never been around people.
(d) He has removed his cap.

3. Why is Beanpole chosen to go to the games?
(a) For his ability to draw.
(b) For his intelligence.
(c) For his height.
(d) Because the choser is his father.

4. Why can't the man on the island do his own work?
(a) He has arthritis in his shoulder.
(b) He doesn't know how to do carpentry.
(c) He doesn't have a horse to pull the plow.
(d) He is too old.

5. Why is Fritz chosen to go to the games?
(a) He has been with the group the longest.
(b) He likes to be alone.
(c) For his strength and ability to succeed.
(d) He can shoot a bow better than anyone.

6. How does Fritz respond to Will's friendly overtures?
(a) With friendliness.
(b) With scorn.
(c) With silence.
(d) He doesn't, he's shy.

7. For what reason is Will chosen to go to the games?
(a) His temper.
(b) His strength and experience.
(c) His pessimism.
(d) His happy nature.

8. What does Beanpole convince Moritz to do when Ulf hasn't returned by evening?
(a) To let him go look for Moritz.
(b) To call the police.
(c) To let Will go look for Moritz.
(d) To leave the town.

9. How does Henry feel about not being chosen?
(a) Happy.
(b) Disappointed.
(c) Angry.
(d) Hurt.

10. Where does the island man take the boys?
(a) To his home.
(b) To a forest.
(c) To the village.
(d) To his boat.

11. Why are Will, Henry, and Beanpole with the uncapped people?
(a) Help them.
(b) Use them for money.
(c) Kill them eventually.
(d) Spy on them.

12. What does Will find at the dock when he returns there?
(a) Moritz is in trouble with Ulf.
(b) Ulf is in a rage.
(c) The barge is gone.
(d) Beanpole beat him back.

13. Why does Beanpole suggest they make a raft?
(a) So they don't have to walk.
(b) To catch some fish.
(c) To speed up their journey.
(d) To help find a barge.

14. Why are the boys having a difficult time beaching the raft?
(a) The current is too strong.
(b) They have no strength from not eating.
(c) They have no means to steer it.
(d) The banks are too far away.

15. From what village did Will come?
(a) Aston.
(b) Thurston.
(c) Wherton.
(d) Barberville.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened at the first house on whose door Beanpole knocked for food?

2. What place in town does Will find fascinating?

3. With what do the boys use to build a raft?

4. Why do Beanpole and Will start to walk downriver?

5. What does Will do about the men who are upset?

(see the answer keys)

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